4/16/13 3:31 p.m.
Came across this picture of Michigan Ave. circa 1947, and not being able to ID a couple of these cars is killing me.
Here's a link to a blowupable version if you need it.

I'll get the ball rolling with the green/white cars. Those are '39-'41 Checker Model A taxis, I believe. The black one parked on the left of this shot is really driving me nuts...
4/16/13 3:34 p.m.
Interesting tidbit: on the left, under the Old Grand-Dad bourbon billboard (Truman's preferred brand), is the Tip Top Sandwich Shop, which of course is long gone and replaced by a high-rise these days. The Allerton Hotel, pictured on the right here, a few blocks up on Superior, nowadays advertises its "Tip Top Tap" in neon on its facade right below the hotel name. Coincidence? Yeah, probably. Still kinda neat.
The black one on the left I'm gonna guess is a Chrysler or a Packard. I don't have much time to research it though.
I think it's a 1942 Chrysler.
4/16/13 7:08 p.m.
alex wrote:
Interesting tidbit: on the left, under the Old Grand-Dad bourbon billboard (Truman's preferred brand)
As a Kansas Citian living in Harry's county, as well as a bourbon hound, I am ashamed of myself for not knowing this. It's on my grocery list. That's right, you can by real liquor in a Missouri grocery store.
Yep, Chrysler; as is the car behind the green & white cab.
4/17/13 9:20 p.m.
'42 Chrysler on the (prodigious) nose!
Now what's the car in the foreground? Looks late '30s to me, and those vertical grilles low on the nose should be a dead giveaway, but I'm not coming up with anything.
I think it's a late 1930s Cadillac or LaSalle, say about 1938. The vertical grille low on the nose is actually a bumper guard.