Like the title says.
I'm still working on the calliper issue but in the mean time I'm finally installing that nice trim kit I have had in a box since 2009. Reason for such a long delay???
So I started out by stealing an empty room and laying all the pieces out.
The cat thought this was great till I booted her out of the best sun room during the afternoons and closed the door.
Then I removed all the very parts (seats and other bolted down hardware) and cleaned the floors.
The crumbled seat foam is actually very sticky.
And then set about laying pieces into place.
Just about every panel will need to be edited/trimmed to fix properly. That is due to things like different transmission, extra electronics and rear cargo shelf.
The wheel well pieces will take the most time.
With the shelf and roll bar needing a lot of fit checks and small cuts.
Took my sweet time since I don't want to make any mistakes.