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David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/10/09 11:29 a.m.

Today's rainy weather here in Central Florida raises a question: Do you drive on days when there's a threat of rain?

VClassics New Reader
7/10/09 11:36 a.m.

Living on an island in Puget Sound, I wouldn't be driving much if I didn't.

wlkelley3 HalfDork
7/10/09 11:37 a.m.

Currently not with my classic. But that's only because the wipers don't work correctly. As soon as I get around to fixing them I would drive it in the rain if needed.

mattmacklind SuperDork
7/10/09 11:39 a.m.

Absolutely. I avoid snow, but rain doesn't trouble me very much. I prefer it not to rain, and don't drive for pleasure in it, but if it does rain, I don't terribly mind it. I also love watching rain-x do its thing.

bravenrace HalfDork
7/10/09 11:39 a.m.

Well of course I prefer to drive my classics in good weather, but sometimes I do drive them when rain is forcasted. Just last week I had an urge to drive my M to work on a particular day, so I did, and it rained the whole way there and back. My Mustang I try not to drive in the rain, so it also depends on the car.

André Rousseau
André Rousseau Reader
7/10/09 12:03 p.m.

Mosport this year. Rained on the drive up and poured all of Saturday. If the racers race in it. I can drive in it.

BTW Rain X rocks.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
7/10/09 12:57 p.m.

I remember when I lived in Phoenix I went for a drive up toward Sedona. This was pretty common in the summer there, as it's so much cooler up north in the mountains, and properly done it's a fantastic drive.

Anyway, I got a bit more than I bargained for. I was really enjoying the drive, and had gone well up into the mountains when the temperature plummeted, rain poured down in buckets, and it started to hail.

So I'm on the side of a mountain, in an MGB, trying my best to get out of a really heavy (and bizarre) summer storm.

And of course the MG top leaked.

Other than that, a little rain never bothered me a bit.

André Rousseau
André Rousseau Reader
7/10/09 1:26 p.m.

GT6's leaks like a fish...

PIAT, but now I know where all the spots are.


DneprDave New Reader
7/10/09 3:39 p.m.

I drive in the rain if get caught in it. I found that I don't have to put the top up on my MGB if I keep my speed above forty mph. With the TD, it'll soak ya at whatever speed, top up or down!


David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/10/09 4:23 p.m.

Small update: Looks like I'll be driving the Porsche home in the rain today. It's gotten wet a few times so far this week, including earlier today.

ddavidv SuperDork
7/10/09 6:49 p.m.

It's just water. Other than it making more cleanup work for me, I usually don't care. However, with the Mini being made of a metal form of cardboard, any moisture turns it into a bodyman's nightmare so I avoid it as much as possible.

André Rousseau
André Rousseau Reader
7/11/09 5:56 p.m.

Brutal rain today at our annual Brit car show.

If I had not been part of the setup team I would have simply stayed in bed and watched F1 quali.

Picts of the event to come later tonight once my parental duties are done for the evening. ;

Leo  Basile
Leo Basile New Reader
7/11/09 7:43 p.m.

Like DneprDave said...Regardless of the position of the top your getting wet.

And yes, those are Jim Clark reproduction driving gloves Im wearing

Soggy Wait

Luke Dork
7/11/09 9:40 p.m.

I like the RAF roundel . It's photoshopped on, though, right? A smaller one would make a cool permanent addition.

And I think driving in the rain can be fun in an old car. With slippery tires, crappy wipers and suspect electrics, it's usually exciting.

Leo  Basile
Leo Basile New Reader
7/11/09 9:54 p.m.


Actually the Roundels are magnetic. I dont have a pic, but behind the spare tire I did put a decal. Its very subtle. I got tired of seeing the Union Jack

Notice the lack of wipers. Cheers to Rain-X!

Series6 New Reader
7/12/09 1:22 a.m.

Main reason I avoid driving my Alpine in the rain is most drivers in the Southwest are terrible foul weather drivers. Add to that the roads never really get cleaned off, so the first 20 minutes of rain are pretty bad.

If I get caught in the rain on the way back form a drive or a meet, fine. I'll find a low traffic route. Don't mind cleaning it up.

André Rousseau
André Rousseau Reader
7/12/09 6:07 a.m.

Speaking of wet.


Just used my point and shoot camera too much rain for the DSLR.

Leo  Basile
Leo Basile New Reader
7/12/09 10:04 p.m.

I dont like to take the car out into the rain, but once in it, and having no choice, there is a really neat experience to be had. I do enjoy it. Driving in the rain with the topdown on a warm day...racing to get home...I would say "It cant get any better than that"' but I know better.

I hope it just dosnt rain during the weekend at the Glen.

BrettM Reader
7/13/09 9:45 a.m.

I have gotten caught in the rain many times. This one was on the way to FFO in Detroit. It rained almost the entire trip!

foxtrapper SuperDork
7/14/09 8:50 a.m.

A Spitfire on a rainy day just isn't fun.

aeronca65t HalfDork
7/14/09 2:28 p.m.

~HERE~ is my experience in rain-driving earlier this year.

rconlon Reader
7/14/09 3:25 p.m.

I do drive my Fiat when there is a threat of rain. A reliable prediction of a tornado, hail or snow would keep me in but I have been caught out in all weather since I go to a lot of weekend events. My most recent was last month and a flooding rain turned the city streets into rivers. Now it is over 102 degrees. Fortunately my cooling system copes well but there is no A/C and I bake.

Cheers Ron

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/14/09 3:43 p.m.

An update: Once again it's raining on a day that I drove the 911 to work. Seriously, I think it's rained every time I drive it to work. The car seems water-tight, so no worries.

And my lawn looks good.

rconlon Reader
7/15/09 9:38 a.m.

David : Bring it here we could use some rain. Thank you.


masterjohnson New Reader
6/9/11 4:18 a.m.

it is not really healthy driving a vintage car on rainy days.

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