I was wondering if anyone could direct me to someplace that makes or sells a vinyl/leather rollbar cover for my MGB. mine is rather scratched from raising/lowering the roof. I've seen a couple at car shows, and I can't seem to find one on line..Any help is greatly appreciated
I'd think an upholstery shop would be able to whip one up pretty easily. If you have a sewing machine that'll handle vinyl, you could probably make your own without too much trouble. Use velcro for the closure.
Vinyl upholstery paint may be all you need.
I'd try a couple online Jeep or off-road suppliers. I bet they have them.
And if you want to put some proper padding under the cover, we have been happy with this company: http://www.rollbarpadding.com
I think I'm gonna attempt one myself this winter I can't find something suitable off the shelf..I'll keep ya'll posted..
Thanks for the info tho..
Try autopower industies website, they sell a rollbar cover kit that coes on with velcro closures. Looks pretty universal.