The day after we picked up our 1975 Pontiac Safari Catalina, we visited Orlando & Sons Repair Center, our local service station. The shop owners worked on these barges when new and always give us great advice and service.
Rossi, one of the shop owners, gave us a simple assignment: Drive the car for a while to see …
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Keep the updates coming.!
I bet a fair number of CM & GRM readers have, what might be considered 'distinctly un-MC or -GRM cars". For me it's my smog-era 1976 Gran Torino - painted red w/ a great big white stripe by Ford (as a way to cash in on a certain mid-70s cop show).
Thanks, glad to hear that you're enjoying the updates. We realize that this one isn't too sporty, but it's been a fun (and practical) way to play with an older car.