When we tested our 1963 Chevrolet Corvair Monza Spyder against a 356 Porsche for an upcoming story, we had a fan belt fly off. While this was considered a common problem in the early days of Corvair ownership, several things introduced in 1964, including a factory belt guard, helped alleviate the problem.
Even though we have this guard installed on …
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What a wonderful journey. As a fellow long distance Corvair driver I can make one recommendation. CORSA offers a Technical Guide for sale through Clark's that makes an excellent traveling companion along with the factory shop manual. One article in the guide covers a traveling tool kit that allows you to do anything on the car. I have mine in the trunk with the spare and a scissors jack for ballast. It all fits in a canvas tool bag that shapes to the bottom of the trunk! Oh yeah, keep that spare belt and Clark's two piece clutch cable on board! What a great story...you have earned my subscription and respect for tackling a Corvair. Mine is a restored 66 Corsa with the four carb engine and I drive the crap out of it! Love it! Andyman260
I've had my 1965 Corsa turbo convertible since 1987, and I've never thrown a fan belt on it (even when driving it during college like a bat out of hell)... well, except for the one time when my alternator seized up and flipped the belt.
I've alway used "Clark's Ultimate" fan belts, so hopefully their Otto belt will solve this issue for you.
The '64 - later magnesium fan is lighter than the '63 part. Lower weight => lower inertia => less belt stretch => reduced tendency to throw the belt. IIRC the belt gets thrown on rapid decreases in RPM, such as lifting for a shift during hard acceleration.
I'm CORVAIRWILD on Youtube... Lol... I've got a few Corvairs, inc Rampsides pickups, but far from enuff time to fettle with them to my desire.
I'm just about finished putting a rebuilt 3.27 diffy back into my '62 Spyder convert. It's been equipped with a '64 engine and diffy, to get the 19 extra cubes and transverse '64 only leaf spring. I retained the original '62 tranny for its "lower" 1st gear. You can watch my progress on youtube/CORVAIRWILD. Maybe one day I'll meet up with this feature '63 Spyder -:)))