Feel like I need a tetanus shot just looking at the picture. Anyone know where it comes from or if there is a build thread on it? Had one in my youth and had some fun times in that little car.
Just wondering what it's used for other than scaring the snot out of the pretentious people at Monterey with.
Sorry forgot to mention it's one of the lemon cars they have pictured at Monterey. I don't have a pic of it here.
Not advanced enough to be able to link the photo here.
Don't worry, a full feature on the car is in the works. The story will appear in Grassroots Motorsports. Yes, it's that neat.

If you think that looks rusty, do NOT come to the Midwest. That looks super rust free to me.

I don't understand the whole "let's put extra effort into making this thing look as ugly and hacked together as possible" look.
8/25/15 8:45 a.m.
Is that a wood 2X4 under the door?
8/25/15 9:18 a.m.
I fail to see the neat in that.
NOHOME wrote:
Is that a wood 2X4 under the door?
Looks like it to me.
I really hope that this thing is stupid fast as it is ugly and jangkity
What else is going on here? I can tell the car has been modified extensively any more details?
nocones wrote:
What else is going on here? I can tell the car has been modified extensively any more details?
Basically someone built something out of nothing, using very little money in the process. I think it's going to be a neat story. It was a fun car to shoot, too.