So couch-jumping Tom Cruise is slated to play Carroll Shelby in the Hollywood version of "Go Like Hell". The fantastic book "Rush to Glory" gave us the mediocre movie "Rush" so I can only assume Hollywood will butcher this story as well. Dear Mr. movie exec, please don't cast Brad Pitt as Enzo Ferrari. Pretty please...
Wasn't ol' Shel maybe about a foot taller than Cruise? He was the stereotypical long tall Texan. I'm delighted that they're doing the Ford vs Ferrari story, but not so sure about the lead. We'll have to wait and see. I thought Ron Howard did a great job with "Rush" so maybe there is still hope.
I don't like Cruise no matter what he plays.
"I don't like Cruise no matter what he plays."
Got something against scientology.
Somehow I can't picture him with a Texas drawl.
I don't know about the worst casting job ever, or even the worst with Tom Cruise. Casting Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher seemed like an even weirder choice. That's a role that seemed to need a big, muscled guy like Dwayne Johnson.
I haven't seen the movie, so I'm not sure how that turned out.
Rush was a pretty damn good movie. Sadly the driving part fell a bit short, but still a good movie. It may not have been the book, but it can be pretty challenging converting books to a movie people would watch.
If you think Cruise is a bad actor, you are not being very objective. He is a strange guy, but a very good actor. He is also very much a car (and plane) guy who has a good amount of power/influence in Hollywood. He may not be the best choice physically for the role, but as far as getting the movie made right (a good car movie) he is an excellent choice.
A good car movie, a good movie, and a movie that people will go and see (the purpose of most movie is to make money), is a tough balance to get.
BTW - BoeingPilot, are we talking something like this:

or something like this:

Tom Cruise? This is not good.
Should have been Bruce Campbell.
3/4/14 1:15 p.m.
In reply to David S. Wallens:
Only if directed by Sam Raimi.
Good call. They'd have to work in the Classic, too:
Actually, I take it back. The worst casting job was Alec Baldwin as Jimmy Doolittle in "Pearl Harbor", but I digress...
Honestly, I don't have anything against Cruise as he is a talented actor. I just think portraying an icon like Mr. Shelby should be handled with a certain amount of respect, and every time I see Cruise I think of him leaping over the couch on the Oprah that I've ever watched the Oprah show you understand. Ever. 
As far as "Rush" is concerned, having read the book, I couldn't get past the glaring inaccuracies and how much of the story was left out. I understand the film was aimed more at the movie-going public than true gearheads, but c'mon, at least put Hunt in his proper red F3 car.
Sorry, but I think Tom Cruise is a horrible actor. I do respect him for the aircraft he owns (P-51), but he only got those by being overpaid as an actor.
And speaking of wierd actors with cool aviation history, how about that John Travolta? Notice the common thread of Scientology?
3/6/14 4:01 p.m.
I'd see a Tommy Lee Jones as a better fit, although he's probbaly too old now. So Josh Brolin would have been the guy to pick.
3/8/14 11:02 p.m.
I loved the book, sorry to hear they couldn't get the casting right. Seems like an easy chose, they should have cast a real Texan, like Matthew McConaughe.
We'll see how many cars Cruise wrecks in the production. 
In reply to dougie:
Dougie, you missed your calling in life. You should have been a casting director!
Matthew McConaughe, That's my choice.