I'm liking the show more and more. Of course after the first lame episode they had nowhere to go but up!
I would love to see them take one of those silly "male enhancement" (Merc SLS AMG, Any Lambo, or Ferrari, Spiker, etc.) devices and jump them off a cliff, or into the ocean, or maybe enter them in a demo-derby.
Most of those machines will be relegated to sitting in storage, or driving down rodeo drive in an attempt to impress gold-diggers anyway. Why not get a bit of amusement out of it........and hear the purists squeal!
Andy Reid wrote:
Can they kill off the presenters like good detective shows do and replace them with new ones. Hey they did that on the original Top Gear a number of years ago with the Stig. Might be a good solution.
I actually like Ruttledge Wood, and Adam Ferrara is growing on me...a little. Tanner (though talented at the wheel) might be hopeless as a host. I'd also pay to never hear him say "drift" again.
It's the only show I'm making a point to watch currently, so I guess that makes me a fan.
The thing about Tanner is he is actually fun on the Speed show with PT, but even the last show was a horrible rehash from the UK one.
Yeah we should all drive road masters. ;)
I miss road racing.
Tanner is a great driver, but unless he's buzzed on moonshine, he is as fun as watching grass grow.
Ruttledge is annoying to the Nth degree. Try harder! Geez.
I am a fan, and will continue to watch.
For reference, y'all should watch UK:TG S1(in it's current version). They had a dude doing the used car reports. Talk about awful! James May replaced that dude, and on the first show, had Clarkson laughing his ass off. We need a James May, Captain Slow kinda fellow. I'd volunteer, but my schedule it booked.
Ian F
12/22/10 7:57 a.m.
I caught the re-run of the GM comparison last night. I thought it was reasonably well done. It's kinda odd how the banter between the three seems much easier and less contrived when they are on location. In the studio, it still needs work or better editing. Especially the 'news' section.
Of course, I wanted the Roadmaster to win, so I was happy. There's a Caprice wagon for sale near me... 
I'm afraid I disagree, Andre. I think Tanner is getting more comfortable on TG than with his banter with PT on the Speed show...
Which just made me wonder.... PT = Stig? 
I have to say I am with Joe. If you are going to do a Lamborghini challenge, see who can pick up a girl on Rodeo Drive the fastest. We all know it is a fast car.
I think what it needs the most are better scripts with correct information would help it for me. Every time they say something that is blatantly incorrect they further lower their credibility and quite honestly sound stupid. They are like those guys you have heard at car shows that say that a Shelby Cobra can go 200MPH and that all Porsche cars are unreliable, in other words the self appointed automotive expert.
I'm not liking how many interesting cars they are destroying.
Ian F
12/25/10 9:42 p.m.
Well, that's a trait of TG UK as well.
I must admit the US version is growing on me, but every time I think it just might be passable I have a flashback to Clarkson's adventures in the Reliant Robin...
Tanner reminds me of of a twit I went to highschool with. His dad bought him a new 924 to try and make him cool. It only made him an arrogant twit. I just can't get past it.
The American Stig is way to skinny to be Paul Tracy.
Maybe they have Tanner doing Stig? You never see them together...
The producers need to get with Jay Lamm of LeMons fame. I don't know if he could pull off the on-screen stuff, but he and his buddies would do a much better job of writing. If they could reflect the attitude and humor of the LeMons franchise they would have a true hit.