So we participated in the Coker Tire Challenge this weekend, a TSD rally hosted by Corky Coker and family. My wife and I haven't rallied in years, but we got back into the grove and had fun. We'll post some photos soon, but you can see the results here:
Question: Anyone here do any TSD rallying? And is there any interest in it?
9/21/09 4:42 p.m.
I've competed in several over the years, and won a few. Provided the speeds are a bit challenging (and it is possible for 35 mph to be a real challenge on a one lane dirt road, in the dark, in the rain) I enjoy them. I get bored with ones that are just 'touring'. The TSD rally 'market' around here sort of folded over the years so I don't have much opportunity to scratch that itch. There are quite a few tips you could give to help noobs that could make an article, like adding 10% to CAS speeds to get a closer overall average. I've only ever competed in the SOP class with nothing more than a pen and a stopwatch.
My wife and I did a bunch of TSD rallies in the 1990s, back when we lived in SoCal. It was an annual event -- our Volvo group (not a formal club) vs. the Alfa Romeo Club of Central CA. We did okay a few times, then won two years in a row, then finished dead last the final time. They were packing up the last checkpoint by the time we finally found it.
It was a lot of fun... I'd be happy to see an article about it.
9/23/09 6:04 a.m.
TSD rally fail, or You're Doin It Rite...passing the course sweep car. Multiple times. Needless to say, the CAS no longer mattered. 
On the first leg we got stuck behind a dump truck with no way to pass--he actually blocked us whenever possible. We eventually caught the car that was in front of us--a past Great Race winner--and just held back a minute. We did a great job of maintaining that interval.
At the next rest stop, the navigator ran over an quickly apologized: They were having major speedo problems and were way off time. He thought that he saw us back there but couldn't really relay that info to us. Either way, we had fun.
And some photos have been posted: