Second attempt to post... Third attempt to add link...
Second attempt to post... Third attempt to add link...
If you just want to post a link with no formatting or anything, you can just paste it into your message. The board will make it clickable for you. If you want to to have other text, you can either use plain HTML or the handy linkmaker button up above the reply box (the one with the chain).
The damn linkmaker chain didn't work the first two times I tried it. I'm trying to like the new board, but it ain't easy.
Join me in the time machine as we go back...
Originally, I made the post, included the linky via the little box. What I got after hitting submit was "page not found" so I figured it never went. Color me surprised when I found my thread the next day...blank.
Attempt number two: Did the same thing. This time I only got the text prior to the link to show in the post. It dropped text after the link would have shown.
Final, aggravated, cursing-Per's-name (why Per? Because he's fun to pick on) attempt: just copied and pasted the damn link and gave up trying to add any more text. What you see is what I got.
It's not unintuitive. It's just not working. :P
Nope, it works fine. It's just not working for you.
Did you click "OK" in the little box after you gave your link and text?
I honestly don't remember. I think so, because I could swear the text showed up in the main box. But could that OK be any smaller? Yikes. I'll just try it again sometime. If it works, then I'm an idiot. If it doesn't, I'm sending the Ron Paul supporters after you with pitchforks. :lol
You'll need to log in to post.