Let's play "What's that car"...
This one was spotted at the KC Art Institute's Art of the Car Concours this past weekend, so if you were there, you're disqualified.
Hints: It was built in extremely limited numbers here in Kansas City. And yes, that's a Porsche engine up front.

Thats a Gregory, called the Sports Car?
Wow. Nice job! You're quick, too.
my old boss was looking at one before, i remember because of the "Gregory" across the back...
I can't believe someone knew the answer that quickly.
A Porsche in the front? Wow!
Is that front-wheel drive or rear drive?
Any more pictures?
FWD. I believe this is the actual car that was at the show (now restored): http://www.tomstrongman.com/ClassicCars/Gregory/Index.htm
And one more pic:

I have more pics of the car as well, at least I think I do, but need to check first. I will post them if I do. This car got a lot of attention, and good pics were hard to score.
OK, I checked photobucket and I uploaded one, so here it is.

Matt, your pic looks SOOO much better than mine.
Camera phones are to cameras as Chef Boyardee is to Italian cuisine.