Tim Suddard
Tim Suddard Publisher
8/9/22 9:39 a.m.

Even though I’ve always lived on the East Coast, I just love California: the beauty of the coast, the fog of the Bay Area, the deserts of the Old West. The state ranges from the grittiness of Los Angeles to the tranquility of the mountains. 

Whether I’m there for work or pleasure–I’ve been going there for nearly 40 years–the state …

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MGWrench New Reader
8/9/22 12:05 p.m.

For me, it's a personal memory:  My son moved to California after grad school for a job.  He missed being around my MGB-GT and other assorted MGs, so he bought his own - the only rusty MGB-GT in southern California!  On one trip out to visit, he bought all of the parts to rebuild the suspension and we planned a weekend thrash to get it done.  I even got an extra set of spindles to build up the front stub axles ahead of time.  We started on Friday night and by 10pm we had a list of additional parts that we needed to get the job done.  The MGB-GT was his only car, so it had to be drivable my Monday morning so he could go to work.  On Saturday morning in the wee hours, we took my rental for the run to Goleta to get parts at Moss as soon as they opened.  We were back in LA by 11am and working on the car.  We finished completely rebuilding the front suspension, rear suspension and upgraded the brakes before dawn on Sunday.  We rewarded ourselves with breakfast at Porto's and a drive on the Angeles Crest Highway.  It was the best of times.  He still has the B-GT and it's still his primary driver.

Serge Small
Serge Small New Reader
8/9/22 12:56 p.m.

I actually have two favorite California memories. The first was in June 2017. My son and I had signed up for the Targa California, sponsored by Autokennel and TRE Motorsports. We flew out to LA from Philadelphia; after picking up Daisy, my 1972 Porsche 911 T, our first stop was In N' Out Burger. Even before checking in to our hotel, we went to the Petersen Museum, having heard so much about it; it did not disappoint.

When it came time to get ready for the Targa, we went to the meeting point in Lancaster. An amazing assortment of vehicles greeted us...Porsches, Mustangs, all sorts of Italian machinery, and a lone Volvo Amazon. We all went immediately to Willow Springs International Raceway, the "fastest road in the west", for really fast parade laps. The Targa consisted of 3 days of drives through the Sierras, Death Valley, Lone Pine, Mammoth, and other incredibly beautiful sites. My favorite memory is coming out of the Sierras onto a straight downhill road that crossed Death Valley and up the other side of the Sierras. I just opened up the Porsche going down...reaching a speed of around 125 mph. Over the next days, we went through Inyo, Mono Lake, and Lee Vining for the obligatory stop for lunch at the Mobil station, and eventually ended up at our hotel in Mammoth Lakes. The day we left, it snowed!

My second favorite California memory was my trip to Rennsport Reunion VI in Monterrey. As a Porsche guy, there is no better event than seeing a thousand Porsches of all kinds driven by many of the guys I had been in touch with online. There were many beautiful and historic Porsches sent over from Europe and the Museum in Stuttgart. Of course, I signed up for the parade laps on the track at Laguna Seca., one of my bucket-list tracks to drive on. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do the Corkscrew.

There are other trips to California, but these two stand out.

8/9/22 1:18 p.m.

My Dad traveled with me when I was transferred to San Diego in June 1988. Before he went home we were able to drive up to Riverside to see the last Budweiser 400. We were happy to experience the course before it closed.

vjonesjr New Reader
8/9/22 3:02 p.m.

So far for me it was participating in your 2021 Golden State Tour!

Warlock New Reader
8/9/22 8:29 p.m.

Goodness, which ones?  Late night runs along Skyline Drive (SR35) above the South Bay.  An unnamed back road running from Wheatland, in the northern Sierra foothills, through the nut orchards and rice paddies down to Sacramento.  Anything running through Gold Country...if you really wanted a burn in the shoulders, SR20 from Grass Valley to Emigrant Gap (a favorite warmup when heading to autocrosses over in Reno).  SoCal pavement gets all the publicity, but the driving gets better the further north you go. 

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