Rupert HalfDork
1/1/15 12:06 p.m.

I put a thread up yesterday that I thought would interest Leo Basile. I just realized I haven't seen any posts from Leo in a while. Does anyone know anything about Leo? I hope he's just off on some wonderful vacation!

Gary HalfDork
1/1/15 1:11 p.m.

A while back he mentioned that he works every other month in Europe, flying I presume. But the "world wide inter-web" thing covers Europe too, I think, so that shouldn't prevent him from contributing. Last time I remember hearing from him was on the "Lime Rock anybody?" thread. He posted on Dec. 9.

Rupert HalfDork
1/2/15 11:20 a.m.

In reply to Gary:If he's flying, he's happy! Good for him.

Leo  Basile
Leo Basile Reader
1/3/15 4:00 a.m.

Hi Rupert!

I work in Saudi Arabia on a 28/28 schedule. Just got done watching the vid. Im sure the pucker factor is off the scale! I would love to try my hand at a boat landing in rough seas.


Rupert HalfDork
1/3/15 12:47 p.m.

Welcome back! Good to hear from you. I've made a few carrier landings in "rough seas." But I was landing on a carrier & it didn't roll nearly as much as this little ship did!! Thanks Be To God!!

Our biggest issue in rough seas was not dropping down to the deck while the ship was rising up. As this landing showed, timing is really everything.

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