John Webber
John Webber
12/31/12 10:00 a.m.

Okay, let’s start with some sobering scenarios, all of which really happened:
A toolbox fell off a garage shelf and sliced through the hood of the Ferrari parked below.
An owner tuning an early Mustang inadvertently launched it through his garage wall.
Five Porsche race cars broke loose inside an enclosed trailer and played pinball.
A thief broke into a …

Read the rest of the story

RacerJ New Reader
5/11/21 6:05 p.m.

This is a great article.  So many details that people don't know.  I thought I'd add some color on some of the items.  I actually do not have classic insurance on a number of my cars because I'd rather have under insurance than no insurance.  

For example, I wanted to make sure my kids could drive my cars.  What's the point if they are not going to enjoy my passion with me?  But the insurance wouldn't cover the car, even if I was in the car and they were driving to a car show with me.     

I also drive my cars to work from time to time.  I have a buddy who says if he ever had an accident on the way to work, he'd say to the insurance company that he was going to bring the car to his mechanic that day.  Personally, I'd rather not rely on insurance fraud for my coverage.

Note about the need for a daily driver.  The companies vary on this.  For some of them, EACH driver in the house has to have a car that is 15 years old or younger.  My wife's new car doesn't count for my car.  I would have to have a 2006 car now.  And the reality is that I don't.  Nothing wrong at all with my Porsche.  It's just older than 2006.

So, again, read all the fine print. Each one is slightly different, and each one would make some exceptions.

7aull New Reader
5/13/21 11:35 a.m.

One word:



Amazing Co.

My one stoopid/annoying claim (scratched bumper after Semi -yes! - rear-ended me).

Quick, thorough, friendly. wow.

OK. more than One word ;)

Stu A

Sedona, AZ

marknoakes New Reader
11/14/22 4:49 p.m.

It still doesn't really help those of us that daily drive only vintage vehicles. As the other poster said, underinsurance is better than no insurance. I did talk to Hagerty a while back; they just said no path forward, and we left it at that.


Knoxville TN

californiamilleghia UltraDork
11/14/22 5:47 p.m.

My friend is restoring a customers car that got flattened when the 4 post lift failed with another car on the top level.,

be safe

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