No brainer indeed.. However, I can't seem to be able to do it.
Running Safari on iPad and when I enter my credit card info and hit the 'Subscribe to GRM+ Now' at bottom nothing is happening. Well, technically the large button turns into a smaller one but that's about it. Already tried refreshing the pager and entered information twice and got the same result.
newold_m (Forum Supporter) said:
No brainer indeed.. However, I can't seem to be able to do it.
Running Safari on iPad and when I enter my credit card info and hit the 'Subscribe to GRM+ Now' at bottom nothing is happening. Well, technically the large button turns into a smaller one but that's about it. Already tried refreshing the pager and entered information twice and got the same result.
Did you see the prompt for the billing zip code? (It was very small and I missed it the first time)
It also took a little while, at least on my computer, from the button turning small to something actually completing.
Quick question? Is there a way to opt-out of the paper version of the magazine. I'd be happy to just read it online and save y'all the printing and postage.
In reply to Toyman01 (Moderately Supportive Dude) :
Not without a phone call--sorry! Our subscriptions are handled by an outside fulfillment agency, so you'd need to call them at 877-677-6878 and ask them to switch your subscription to digital only.
Awww, man. I got a receipt that says my head's on straight any my booty body's ready for the GRM+ funk, but nobody can see it. And on mobile I can't log out of the site anymore, just get an error.

In reply to newold_m (Forum Supporter) :
Looks like your credit card company won't approve the payment. Maybe give them a call? Or make sure you're entering everything correctly?
I'm in. This is the best car (and non-car) forum on the web.
Thanks a ton for all the support, everybody. It's been overwhelming! To the future!
Subscribed to GRM+ and renewed my print subscription for 2 years. Passed on the GRM boxers... for now.
New Reader
4/7/21 2:28 p.m.
I already get both rags digitally, so....
How is this going to be different?
In reply to William :
The adds in the forum are gone! That alone to me makes it worth it.
In reply to dean1484 :
This is the way. I pay for an add-free experience = Awesome.
So that you can get a feel for ad free GRM.

What a great way to end the patreon support. I had let my print subscription lapse because I was stacking up unread issues that only stayed in one room. I started the digital subscription so I can read the magazine anywhere and it's been awesome. Now I'm getting all the back issues as well? Super! I'm all signed up!
The back issues are a big reason I signed up.
In reply to Tom Suddard :
I have double checked everything and entered all the fields including the zip code but no luck. It's a card I use all the time so not sure why there will be an issue for this. Anyway, will try again later this week.
I'm not getting an error or anything obvious. Click on button, it becomes 'smaller' if that makes any sense and that's it. Nothing else happens which is why is was asking if this could be a browser compatibility issue.
Hmm, we've tested your configuration just now and aren't finding any issues. Maybe try a different browser just to be safe?
Hi Newold, thanks for your patience. Most likely a missing field, since you'd get an error message if your card was declined. Maybe fresh eyes on a fresh day will help--sometimes that's what it takes for me. (Flashback to the Christmas I spent a good hour trying to send overpriced Williams-Sonoma sticky buns to out of state family without success... only to realize the next morning I hadn't checked a box saying I understood it was nonrefundable. And before you mock me too hard: Those sticky buns are damn good.)
Gotta admit, I'm still getting used to not having the banner ad at the top of the screen. I've almost picked the wrong place a few times. But this is a good problem to have! 
I'm in.
I get a lot out of GRM. Just like when I volunteered at the last Challenge, I'm happy to have a way to contribute.
Sold! My paper subscription had lapsed anyway. I may call to remove the paper part as I am running out of places to store old mags.
In reply to Javelin (Forum Supporter) :
I am pretty die hard (obviously) but am going to skip the boxers as well. Now if they were Boxsters, that would be a different story.
Welp, there goes that Father's Day idea.