Recent topics commented on by gearheadE30

79 Volvo 242 GT

Started by Captdownshift (Forum Supporter)

7 posts
BMW 1985 turbo diesel

Started by Robbie (Forum Supporter)

6 posts
Prelude with 4ws

Started by Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos)

5 posts
PRI arrive and drive home stupidity

Started by Captdownshift (Forum Supporter)

21 posts
300 ZX

Started by danvan

Pages: 1 2

30 posts
So Is My Transmission Dying?

Started by BlueInGreen - Jon

Pages: 1 2

29 posts
Paint rant

Started by tr8todd

Pages: 1 2

34 posts
Wheel seized to hub. Tips?

Started by BlueInGreen - Jon

Pages: 1 2

45 posts
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