So my Mom managed to starve her motor of oil and it's terminal. $7k to repair and she's not going to bother. I'm trying to figure out what I should do with it. I think I could make a challenge car out of it, or maybe just an autocross project, but the fact that it's auto and not cheap to repair the motor makes me think I should pass. Any motor swaps worth exploring?
OK. Just your location and I'm safe from making an offer.
So...GRM challenge car idea for you to build.
Midship mounted ford Ecotec 2.7 yanked from a fwd Edge?
Give these guys a call. When my '03 motor puked, they were cheaper than the dealer, for a rebuilt unit.
Ian F
8/1/17 7:57 a.m.
Hmm... yeah... definitely a tough one. In theory, it's probably worth more than Challenge money as a parts/salvage car. The transmission alone, for example. Plus the interior bits, ancillary engine parts, and so on - all still have some value.
I could see the temptation to strip to a bare shell and rebuild it with a different drive train for a track beast, but it would definitely be a big project.
8/1/17 8:08 a.m.
It may not be eligible as a Challenge car.
Would your mother be willing to sell it to anyone off the street for less than $2000 as-is?
If not, it's an inside deal, and they are not allowed.
challenge or not, I say dump in a fire breathing 4cyl turbo. Like a 4g63, or turbo dodge, or saab, or ecotech.
Projected selling price of running car - (cost of used motor + ancillaries) / # hours to perform swap = hourly rate
Is the last number worth it??
I figure it's worth less than challenge money as is. Locally I can pick up an S model that's running for less than 3k in either r53 or r56 variety. I know some parts are worth money, but that's the problem. The parts are worth more than the car as a whole, and she's not going to part it out. I think $1000 is a fair number, but maybe I'm just a cheap heartless bastard. I think it really comes down to whether I want to invest a bunch of time into an automatic model S or just help her part it out.
The big issue with a swap might be the electronics, how much of the car's other systems depend on the OEM engine management?
Rebuilding is an option but you will be completely upside down on the car and will have to drive it to hell and back to recover your investment.
I have an 04 S with low miles (under 50k) and a brand new motor and can't even get an offer on it, these cars have a very limited resale market and the value falls off rapidly, it seems.
So my vote is to buy it cheap and gut it and go full on race car. Think Binky!?
Ian F
8/1/17 9:40 a.m.
All of the electronics are integrated, so even doing a AT to MT swap would be a royal PITA from a integration POV, even staying with R56 parts. Forget it using R53 bits.
Maximum $ for the least effort: sell it as a parts car on eBay. Fees are generally a lot less than selling a running car (just don't mention you have a title for it anywhere in the ad).
I guess it depends on how much time/space/other projects you have. Personally, there are other things I'd rather play with than an automatic MINI. The risk-to-reward potential just doesn't work.
I think its screaming for an engine in the front and back!
Robbie wrote:
challenge or not, I say dump in a fire breathing 4cyl turbo. Like a 4g63, or turbo dodge, or saab, or ecotech.
I was thinking SRT 4 motor but same idea. Of course one at each end would be better.
I've got a spare m42 motor and trans from my e30 318is. Maybe RWD mini? I have a feeling it wouldn't be worth the trouble of the swap though.
Do something like Bad Obsession is doing with their classic Mini?
Just "easier" and "quicker"?
Ls4? Maybe a v8 in the back seat turned around to drive a differential in the front? The MINI is such a great handling FWD, might as well leave it that way and move the battery and gas tank and such around to maintain the weight balance.
I don't think I have the skills necessary to go full Binky on this one, but it certainly would be neat. Think more Binky Lite.
This is pretty neat:
I've seen some of his build threads around but never saw the finished product until now.
8/1/17 1:13 p.m.
In reply to captainawesome:
I don't doubt your valuation. I'm just pointing out how the Challenge rules work, and that you don't have a receipt for the purchase.
I would be purchasing the car from her which would transfer the title and include purchase price. I guess I don't see how that's any different than any other vehicle purchase as it won't be free. Even if advertised, it would sell for the same price.
Full Binky or even Binky Lite might take a couple years or so.
Maybe go the MCM route and start a K swap? Plenty of TSXs end up getting junked and the K24 is a decent enough engine.
8/1/17 1:43 p.m.
In reply to captainawesome:
It's just the stupid way the Challenge works sometimes.
As long as you buy it at fair market value, you're good.
FuzzWuzzy wrote:
Full Binky or even Binky Lite might take a couple years or so.
Maybe go the MCM route and start a K swap? Plenty of TSXs end up getting junked and the K24 is a decent enough engine.
It could be worth a shot. They did manage to fit one in an early style Mini, should be enough room I would think in the new version.
Ian F
8/1/17 1:56 p.m.
In reply to captainawesome:
Possible. Would need to measure it out. The front "horns" on a MINI are surprisingly narrow. The N14 is really stuffed in there. A V6 might fit if the fore-aft space is large enough.
Man, a quick Google search honestly doesn't bring up much when it comes to swapping something else in to the Mini...
Seen a few posts about K swaps, but everyone seemed to shun them instantly saying just swap in a new Mini engine.
Did find a B swap kit for only a paltry $2400-ish. 
Ian F wrote:
In reply to captainawesome:
Possible. Would need to measure it out. The front "horns" on a MINI are surprisingly narrow. The N14 is really stuffed in there. A V6 might fit if the fore-aft space is large enough.
I'm pretty sure those kits aren't for the r53 or r56 range.