Okay, so my wife wants to get rid of the Cooper S and get something a little more comfortable on the interstate. Since her commute is 50miles RT a day and the interstate here is pretty rough lately, I understand. We're seriously looking at the '14 Mazda6 Grant Touring (has to have heated leather seats, ya know) and the '13 Ford Fusion SE with Luxury Pkg ( for the seats.)
Has anyone got experience with either of these, or ideally both? We're test driving this weekend but probably won't buy for a couple weeks yet.
Other notes:
No, I won't be waiting on the diesel 6. Not enough miles driven to justify the upgraded fuel cost when the gas mpg is fairly close.
No, we won't be buying the manual Maz6, you can't get the heated seats with a manual trans. If it were me, I'd be on this with a turbo, like, yesterday. But it ain't my DD.
Ford may be the 1.6L Eco, but more likely the 2.0L Eco. We're driving both to compare
Running the numbers for all-inclusive operating cost, the 6 will cost us about $50 more/month, but that may be worth it.
I always said I'd never buy brand new again, but the cost on slightly used cars is so high, it's almost an even split. Plus she's never had a BRAND NEW car, and everyone should at least once.
PS: Anybody want an 05 Cooper S?
uhh....05 Cooper S 6speed. about 110k miles. PM me for more, I don't want to get patio'd for selling in-thread.
3/1/13 7:59 a.m.
I hope to be asking myself the same question in a year or two from now so I will be tagging along. Why did you rule out the new Maxima?
Let's see...
Crap mileage (well, same as my V8 Mustang, so yeah, crap mileage)
only way to get heated seats is with the "Cold Package" which is incompatible with EVERY OTHER OPTION
If you could option it the same way, it would be $10k more than either car
Had a Nissan once. Just not a fan.
I can't speak for the Mazda, but my boss just bough a '13 Fusion; don't know which package. She traded in her '11 Mustang for it.
Fusion's got the 2.0 Ecotech, flappy paddles, GREAT stereo, very nice seats, hands free commands (change the cabin temp, radio etc.) and it's not hard to look at. She hasn't had it long enough to talk about mileage, but says it will absolutely toast her Mustang!
If my cars weren't paid for and I needed one, I'd take a hard look at it.
Biased opinion here as I work at a Mazda store. The new 6 is absolutely stellar. Light years advanced in every way. A drivers car. But perception is everything and cars fit different people in different ways. Drive them both and let us know how they feel to you.
3/1/13 10:49 a.m.
The fusion isn't on the same chassis anymore is it? The '13 I test drove didn't feel like my parents '07....the '07 felt similar in every way to the ms6(just without the power)
And pending packages, the fusion is probably the better buy with the 2.0EB in it. Styling wise, I think the Fusion looks better than the 6, and the regal looks better than both of them. 
If you have a hard time comparing those two together, check out a regal T or GS(pending price range) as well....the one I drove was a GS, but my god was it a nice car.
Both cars are a great value - I'd have trouble deciding between them based on stats/looks.
Another option is the Passat. Drives well and is HUGE inside.
Either way, it's a really good time to be shopping for a midsize sedan.
914Driver wrote:
I can't speak for the Mazda, but my boss just bough a '13 Fusion; don't know which package. She traded in her '11 Mustang for it.
Fusion's got the 2.0 Ecotech, flappy paddles, GREAT stereo, very nice seats, hands free commands (change the cabin temp, radio etc.) and it's not hard to look at. She hasn't had it long enough to talk about mileage, but says it will absolutely toast her Mustang!
If my cars weren't paid for and I needed one, I'd take a hard look at it.
Uh, yeah, I've got a hard time believing that one.
I know the 6 and the fusion are different chassis now, and that they used to share, but I'm not sure when the split occurred.
I like the Regal GS concept, but it costs more, gets the same mileage as my Mustang, takes premium fuel, and is no faster than the Cooper 0-60. One or two of those might be livable, but as a package it sort of falls short.
Hadn't thought of the Passat, I'll have to investigate.
Render - unless she meant mileage, she's on crack. Even then, it's not THAT much better.
Hey, the new Passat looks just like the old Fusion!

Hey all - to sum up, we drove a Ford Fusion 1.6L Ecoboost Last night.....And bought a Mazda 6 tonight. I'll post up some pics and reviews in a new thread soon, but here's a teaser shot from the dealership. This lovely creature is now parked in the garage:

Awesome. I'm looking forward to your review.
Mmmm, 6! You made the right choice. Can't wait to get the details.
They still look amazing inside and out, Nice buy!
Dang, those new Mazdas look nice.