Got the shirt. Thank you very much. As I'm sure you are aware, the shirt has a life outside of racing. It works extremely well for backpacking, as it illustrates a concept I keep hammering on when I lecture about the subject ("Ounces turn into pounds and pounds turn into pain"). It also speaks to areas like emotional health, personal budgeting, and marijuana smuggling. Excellent work, sir. I salute you.
Merry Christmas to you and yours from me and mine,
Sweet, I got green! Thank you Seth
Got it, love it! Thanks!! Had to explain it to my wife which was fun.
Got mine today too. Right in time for Christmas. It was like an early present.
New Reader
12/24/18 7:21 p.m.
Got mine for Christmas. Thanks again!
You Rock!
Got min today. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas.
Mine came as well.. Thanks a lot and Merry Christmas!
12/25/18 8:25 a.m.
WOOHOO!!! Thanks, Mazdeuce Claus! Very fitting, next project's goal is 1500 lbs.
Thank you for the awesome shirt Seth! Merry Christmas!
came in to work and this was waiting in my mailbox! Thanks again!
Got mine also, thanks Seth. My 15 year old son looked at the shirt and said two things: duh, and that’s why the metric system is better.
Just got mine! YAY! Seth rocks!
Aaron_King said:
Got mine also, thanks Seth. My 15 year old sone looked at the shirt and said two things: duh, and that’s why the metric system is better.
maybe, but it looks and sounds a lot better than "10 hectograms make a kilogram"
Mine showed up. My thanks to the Deuce clan!
As a side note: I can't believe how many of my family members didn't know there was a relationship between one unit of weight and another unit of weight. Unbelievable.
Received mine today - and it’s awesome! Many thanks!
12/26/18 3:22 p.m.
I love me some automotive shirts that confuse the masses! I haven't forgotten you, but I may have misspelled your U/N on the package. 

I feel like I should've requested one way back.... kind of jealous seeing them all out there.
Your next shirt, "Project cars.... always look good.... on a trailer..... at night.... at the gas station," A Flordia Man said it.
Mine was in the box when we got home from the cabin. Now it's in a bag headed back to TX tomorrow.
My shirt has arrived and I have worn it already 
Mine arrived while we were out of town over the holidays. SWMBO gave me a questioning look, more like "Why are you getting a t-shirt in the mail?" I haven't explained it to her yet; I don't want her to know all my tricks.
Thank you! I will enjoy explaining it to folks.
Mine arrived while I was away for the holidays, so I wore it to work today. Seth, you brought a little joy to my back-to-work hangover. Thank you!

Got mine today, pictures are following.
You guys are the best. Great start to my year.
And Cooter, the shirt was waiting for me when I got home. It's way cooler than what I sent you. Thanks.