Where can I find the trouble codes for an 89 Nissan Sentra?? The Haynes manual for this model does not seem correct...
Where can I find the trouble codes for an 89 Nissan Sentra?? The Haynes manual for this model does not seem correct...
You are correct. Haynes is incorrect. Here are the correct codes verbatim from AutoZone:
11 - Crank angle sensor
12 - Air flow meter
13 - Water temp sensor
14 - speed sensor
21 - Ignition signal
23 - Idle switch
25 - AAC valve
31 - ECU (ECCS control unit)
32 - EGR function
33 - Exhaust gas sensor
35 - Exhaust gas temp sensor
42 - Throttle sensor
45 - Injector leak
55 - No malfunction detected
The Haynes manual for this app is wrong in so many places. Check the repair info area at autozone.com for specs. I just rebuilt one of these GA16i motors so ask away.
Error code 23 was being indicated by the ecu's leds.So we tapped onto the O2 sensor wire terminal to read voltage while the engine was running.While the engine warmed up,the voltage was stable at about .2v. Then after a couple minutes,the voltage started to increase,up to about .6 volts.Then after another minute or 2,it started to jump around between .1volt and . 7 volts and continued doing so. The engine ran OK except I noticed the RPM was fluctuating appx. 50rpm,in phase with the fluctuating voltage of the O2 sensor.......What do you think???
Thanks, Morrow
electricman176 wrote: Error code 23 was being indicated by the ecu's leds.So we tapped onto the O2 sensor wire terminal to read voltage while the engine was running.While the engine warmed up,the voltage was stable at about .2v. Then after a couple minutes,the voltage started to increase,up to about .6 volts.Then after another minute or 2,it started to jump around between .1volt and . 7 volts and continued doing so. The engine ran OK except I noticed the RPM was fluctuating appx. 50rpm,in phase with the fluctuating voltage of the O2 sensor.......What do you think??? Thanks, Morrow
Your O2 sensor looks good. The auxilliary air control (AAC) valve is located on the throttle body. Check the leads and the plug to the AAC plus take a good look at your vacuum hoses. Fluctuating idle is a symptom of a vacuum leak. Run the Haynes test for a properly operating AAC.
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