This was written by me Tobey over years of Research on these cars so enjoy.
Intro: to all with these cars you might learn something here.
There are different engines for a direct drop in upgrade.
Here are thier names by enine code.
All these engines are called E series
The 3ete,3e,3ee,4efe,5efe,5efhe,and the 4efte
The 3ete is a 1.5 liter 12 valve single cam motor with a factory turbo not availible in the states,this motor was said to put out 127 hp.
The 3e is also a 1.5 liter 12valve single cam the carburated version of the 3ee(12v) EFI(electronic fuel injection).both these engiines were avilible in the
These motors were said to put out 82 hp.
This 3e family was is considered to be the not so reliable relatives to the 4e and 5e families.
Then you have the NONTURBO 4efe(76hp) (7:6:1) 16 valve 1.3 liter dual cam,really tall domed pistons taller than the 5efHe but smaller engine.
and too tall for the 1.5 without smacking the valves.
And its turboed version the 4efte(135hp) the t is for turbo these motors were not avalible
in the states.

Ok back to the 1.5 class the 5efe,and the 5efHe the (H) is for high out put.
They share the same head as the 1.3 4e but minor and major changes had been made.
The minor changes happend to the 1st and 2nd gen 5efe heads like different valve cover changes and little things.
The 108-110 hp 5efHe is known to be named (the school yard bully) high compression pistons (9:8:1) more agressive cams and multi butterfly tuned intake manifold
and 4-2-1 exhaust.When turboed people have gotten 300 hp out of this great engine.
This engine was all by its self in Japan.Not availble in the states.

The 5efe 1st gen (105hp 91fts tq) and 2nd gen (91hp 100fts tq) both are 9:4:1
The 1st gen has a distributor and slightly domed pistons and more chamber volume.
This is a great turbo modding engine with the 2nd gen flat pistons and huge chamber volume at 9:0:1 and the 4efte componets swaped over.
first gen 5efe

4E-5E share the same head the only difference is the height of the block.
The 2nd gen has a D.I.S (distributorless ignition system) flat pistons and less chamber volume.
but the 2nd gen has more n/a power poteintual because the head has more meat on it and less chamber volume.2nd gen 5efe:::
5efhe pistons and the 2nd gen 5efe head and the first gen 5efe head gasket this sick combo will put th motor at high compression.
So far all I have is the pistons the 5efhe pistons will bring 9:8:1 compression to the 1st gen 5efe.
If I were to use those high compression pistons in a 2nd gen 5efe the compression will be around 10:5:1 +.
Some where close to that range or higher as far as I know no one has done this mod yet.
People have had theroey but nothing set in stone.
I measured the head gasket on the 1st gen 5efe(pic on the left) in my car and had .045 clearance with the head still attached.
This should mean if I use the 2nd gen head(pic on right) I could shave the head down about .035 with the 1st gen head gasket on the 2nd gen head.
Dome clearance on the 5efhe piston measured to .0555 so no on the 2nd gen hg.
Witch also means I can still shave the head and use the 1st gen hg @ 1mm