Hi Guys-
My son has a 99 4Runner 6 cylinder manual 4wd. It has 240k with unknown clutch replacement history. In the last few months, the clutch has started to not disengage- or do so very near the floor. We started with bleeding the system, no change. Pre-emptively changed the master/slave with napa parts. No change. Bled again (and again) (and again), no change. Adjusted the linkage, nothing appears out of sorts. The clutch pedal bracket appears intact (I understand the bracket cracking was an issue with 2nd gen 4runners). When engaged, the clutch does not slip.
My next step is to replace the clutch, but this is incongruent with my experience with clutches failing, so I'm afraid I'm going to put a bunch of work in to have nothing change. Barring any miracle advice here, I'll change it out.
I'm open to any ideas the hive might have.
12/13/21 10:37 p.m.
I'd be curious to know when you find out, my mom had one that did this intermittently for years until it got totalled, then bought another one that I can hardly even drive without stalling it because the clutch engages right off the floor but it drives fine and doesn't slip at all.
Damn. That is exactly what is happening. I'll let you know.
12/14/21 10:38 a.m.
Wouldn't be surprised to find it's the stock clutch. Also wouldn't be surprised to see the diaphragm springs either worn out or bent inward due to age and wear.
You know, that's my hope. I'll get a new one in there and hope for the best.
So, the update. I don't think this is the stock clutch. Pulled the trans today and got the clutch cover off the flywheel, and these two things landed on my chest. 

The pilot bearing was a surprise for sure, but maybe just a factor of wrangling the transmission out. That other thing? It took a few minutes of sleuthing, but it is a part of the center section of the clutch disc. I assume it got wedged between the flywheel and the disc, causing the clutch to feel like it was disengaging right on the floor. But it wasn't fully disengaging. It's weird that there was no noticeable noise from it, nor vibration.
Anyway, I got an Exedy clutch, which I think is decent. New pilot bearing, new clutch, new throw out, etc. I went ahead and took the trans to a shop to be pulled apart and checked out because im not certain if any damage was done while my son had to force it into gear when the clutch was mangled.
It was a pain to get out by myself and I cant imagine getting it back in will be easy but im "halfway" there. My kid is at boot camp then tech school for a few more months so im hoping to get it all done and surprise him. And hopefully a new paint job too.
Well now I'm second guessing the "smoking gun". Looking at it, it isn't banged up that bad, which it and the flywheel would be if it was slinging around in there. Might have broken off when I was wrangling the transmission out. Oh well, got the new clutch in and a just hoping that was the culprit. With doubts.
I had a Suzuki sidekick where the clutch master cylinder actuation linkage bent and wouldn't press the master cylinder far enough. If the new clutch doesn't fix it - which I really hope it does - spend some time looking at the way the clutch pedal attaches to the clutch master cylinder and see if there is any chance it's not achieving a full stroke on the piston.
Definitely will do. We replaced the master and slave, and I bought a new fork for the throwout bearing because in the 2nd gen 4Runner they had some trouble there. Saga continues.