My issues started about a month ago after I had performed my own coolant change on my car 6 months prior. My radiator in my 2000 civic is about 6 years old btw. When driving about a month ago, I noticed my temp gauge was fluttering from 40% normal operating temp to about 60% to H , after going to the shop they diagnosed a failing water pump and radiator cap was old/failing. Replaced both and put new coolant into the system. Drove the car for a few weeks with no issues, until the other day, I was driving for about 45 minutes with no overheating issues until I was at idle in a drive thru line, I noticed my temp gauge was back up to about 70% to H. I turned my heater on, which blew hot hair into the cabin and lowered the temp a little. I proceeded to drive my car home and I turned off the heater to try to diagnose anything and my car returned to normal operating temp (at least the gauge was normal). I guessed that since my car temp was ok while driving maybe it was a failing fan? reverse phone lookup nba reddit