Turn on my Suburban this morning and see that the info center in the cluster is out. I have done some perfunctory googling and found lots of stuff but nothing that is specific to this problem. The rest of the cluster works fine. My cruise still works. It is just the info center. Anyone have experience here?
Well crap, drove it over lunch and the Info center is back but my 4wd selector buttons have gone dark.
Bad grounds?
Had IC issues w/ a '02 Silverado, goin' wonky. Diagnostic shop(s) claimed they cleaned all the grounds but they only cleaned the neg. batt. ground cable to chassis. There were prolly 12 separate grounds from bumper to bumper that were E36 M3.
There is a resistor on the board that often loosens up and you will have dim or no info center. There are some good DIYs for taking it apart, and resoldering. IIRC there is a row of resistors with 511 on them, and you just resolder all of them.
My dad's 99 Sierra was acting up kinda like that, turned out it had a dead cell in the battery and the BCM really didn't like the lower voltage.
The battery is new (less than a year) and doesn't give me any trouble. I am getting codes to service the 4wd that I need to check on.