As some of you know I have a 05 Cobalt SS (Super Charged) it was my DD for a few years but last 4 has sat more then its driven as I had a service van for work....Well no more van and I can now drive a standard again after my hand surgery. Anyway the OEM battery died, I replaced it and found the motor took seconds before the solenoid would kick the starter over...odd but it was working car ran fine full boost ect. Then i lost boost... A quick look around the web showed the intercooler pumps fail often, mines never been changed so i picked one up for $40 on line and got it in. Still no boost. Rusty brakes yes.. then two days later i get a security lock on the dash no start...try all the on-line fixes of turning to start leave in run for 10 min turn off 5 seconds do it again...bla bla bla...nothing worked. Pulled battery cable for 2 days topped of battery with charger. All is good for a day! then i get the no crank problem again. WTF.... After some time i said hey lets jump the solenoid and see if it turns over or better turns over and starts. NOPE have current draw but no start. OKAY oem starter with 143,000 is died after 11 years. Got new one from RockAuto cheaper then a rebuilt... Got it in today it turns over right away and nice and fast! Nice for under $70 it runs again... So i take it out for a 20 mile ride no boost i can see the intercooler pump is working but as the battery was off none of the OBD2 monitors are ready figure maybe i'll get boost when they are "ready" I only have an early OBD2 reader (no live screen etc) i decide to keep driving around to get the monitors ready as my inspection is 5 months overdue.. All of a sudden i have boost again then i get the security light on the dash again, I make a stop for gas. Car starts, security light is out still have 2 monitors not ready EVAP and O2 Heater, no boost...15miles later boost. Whats going on and why does the security light keep coming on? Is this messing with the boost? The web forums for the car aren't much help unless you want to put hid lights on the car etc. I should buy a better scan tool so i can see the intake temp before and after the intercooler but I'm tight on funds.... Anyone got a trick that works for getting rid of the security light?