Friend of mine had a 2008 MX5 with the thin (credit car style) remote and at times the alarm and remote will not work and sometimes he has to put the key in the master switch (and door) to make it start as the plastic "nubb" will not turn (the word "KEY" on the dash is red, not green), and sometimes the remote works great without any issues. The battery in the remote has been replaced. I am starting to think the remote is bad. Any thoughts??
Thanks, Paul
Did I stump the hive mind this time 
My 08 didn't come with the credit card style, so I'm no help.
I haven't had any problems with my 2007 Rx-8 (same key)... Sorry!
You give us from 7 pm to 6 am and you think you've stumped us? High expectations.
I'm not sure if you're describing problems with the keyless entry or the keyless start. Sounds like both. It's easier to diagnose if you're very specific.
Take it to the dealer and have them pull the error codes from the system. Also, the manual says that a large metal object near the key can cause problems.
The factory 2006 manual has a 24-step troubleshooting chart for the keyless start system. I'd recommend either getting your hands on a factory manual or taking the car to someone who has one.