I now, sadly, have enough data to have an idea of the oil consumption in the motor of my recent budget 2010 Outback purchase. Wow, what a well abused motor! About 1 qt every ~500 miles, or a week and a half in commute days. That's not fun.
I need to check the rear two spark plugs for fouling, though the front two looked fine. Not sure if this is a valve seal deal or, more likely, a ring issue.
I'm pretty new to Subaru's in general, though I know my way around a tool box pretty well. Wanted to ping you all and see what my options were, or your opinions on options, from experience.
I could do a few things, as I see it:
1) just live with it, and a case of oil in the trunk storage
2) try some of those oil additive products that might help, like mmo, restore, etc. if I have a stuck ring. Seems like a cheap option to try with little hope of success.
3) replace the short block, ~$1800 plus time.
4) rebuild the engine, been a long time since I've done a motor build, though. Like 10 years. Cost ?????
5) have the motor rebuilt, cost on the order of $3000-$4000 sound about right?
6) have a slightly higher performance engine built, cost $3000-$4000.
Has anyone dealt with this issue? Anyone tried anything in option 2 that worked at all? If I end up tearing the engine down, what's the level of complexity (assuming I can build a Chevy V8 from a pile of parts and have it run first time?) am I looking at, and what special tools will I need?
I had planned on engine upgrades in the future, so I may go ahead with that now, but if I can limp through a couple years and sort out some other things I'd be just as happy.