We had a blast!
our scirocco ran tell the last few hours were left and then #3 rod did not want to play any more!
we will have it fixed and ready for the reno lemons race.
hope to see you there!
the biuld
Wow, that's the hottest Scirocco I've ever seen!!!!
somebody had to say it..... 
I have nightmares about burning to death in our lemons car. Thanks. 
1/20/09 12:49 p.m.
Thats just because you built it....
New Reader
1/20/09 1:33 p.m.
Phew... Thank god our engine is behind us. Although I am sitting next to the gas tank...
I thought OUR effort went down in flames.
Up in flames down in flames at least the flames whent out and the car did not burn.