If you've been putting off buying an Atom, now is time to pull the trigger. 32 grand gets you the most bang for the buck car this side of a shifter kart and membership to VIR. Time for that second mortgage!
How much can I sell a 911, E30, E36, a pile of parts, a enclosed 20' trailer and a 2500HD diesel for again?
12/14/10 2:45 p.m.
Deal seems to good to be true. I suppose it's not a "street legal" Atom. And I notice it doesn't say what engine -- all that is listed is a target power-to-weight ratio.
The website doesn't have the answers . . . anyone else know?
12/14/10 3:43 p.m.
I'm guessing their sales are hurting due to the economy, the high price of the cars, and their silly marleting/legal/advertising practices where they find imitation to be an insincere form of flatery.
I guess if you have a boatload of money to burn and live reasonably close to VIR it would be fun.
IIRC, Atoms are not US street legal. Sounds fun.
It's a Cheby ecotech 2.0.
neon4891 wrote:
IIRC, Atoms are not US street legal. Sounds fun.
To be street-legal, an Atom must be built as a kit car. That means everything, including the engine, is shipped to the owner in pieces. An optional road pack, which includes turn signals, a horn, rear tail lights and headlamps, is also available. The owner assembles the car in his own garage, being sure to follow all appropriate, state-mandated vehicle safety guidelines. Otherwise, the Atom is sold as an off-the-road-only vehicle -- not legal on the highway, but perfectly comfortable at the local track.
Have they fixed the poor engineering in the uprights and suspension yet?
For the casual person, those issues aren't a big deal, but for those who intend to track the car, well:
His engineering and experiences are detailed on dpcars.net.