1/31/10 3:02 a.m.
Looking at one of these for my Mother. A 1995 2.5l V6 Autotragic, to be specific. Basically, are they any good? Is the engine an interference type? Anything particular to look out for, etc.
We're also considering a 2.2l N/A Liberty of the same vintage.
The automatics in those generations had quite a few problems from what I hear but other than that I don't know that they had many problems.
1/31/10 6:35 a.m.
Hmm, interesting. The one we're looking at has a bunch of service history, apparently. I'll see if any of it refers to transmission issues/fixes.
Farily tough little cars overall, though my experience is with a 4cyl/5spd combo.
As for a non turbo '90s Legacy/Liberty: when the big one is dropped and post-apocalyptic society has collapsed, leaving only Mel Gibson and Denzel Washington to duke it out over the keys to the last of the V8 Interceptors, 2.2 Legacys will still be as common as cockroaches, provided you live somewhere that they won't rust quickly.
My 95 626DX 2.0L 5spd stripper model has been fairly stout. I just rolled over 180k and its time for another timing belt.
Mine has the common lifter-tick issue, which seems to be only an annoyance. I mean, its been clicking for over 100,000 miles, and nothing has exploded yet. I've put a new clutch, water pump, struts / shocks, brakes, and timing belt - that's about it.
Like the other poster says, I've heard the auto transmissions are a problem for those owners.
The 4 cylinder automatic trannies (CD4E Ford) were turds. The rest of the car hung together pretty well, except green paint was badly prone to early delamination. The V6 automatics were trouble free (they were built in Japan).
The 4 banger 5 speeds were stout little cars.
2/1/10 8:13 p.m.
Sounds like the 626 might be a goer. We'll be test driving it on Wednesday, anyway.
As an aside, the same dealer has a couple of MGB's in his yard, too. And a sweet old Datsun Cedric, and Volvo 164. My kind of car dealer.