For some reason whenever I start looking at BMWs I always go back to the e31 specifically the 850CSi. Somebody talk some sense into me. Why am I drawn to this car more than an e39 M5??? Anyone ever own one?
For some reason whenever I start looking at BMWs I always go back to the e31 specifically the 850CSi. Somebody talk some sense into me. Why am I drawn to this car more than an e39 M5??? Anyone ever own one?
You are drawn to it more because V12 > V8 and it is wrapped in a Sexy package. It was a true supercar.
The CSI is a rare and expensive bird. Regular 840s and 850s aren't common by any means but are much more available and a LOT cheaper, although finding one of those with a manual transmission is difficult. In any case, the V12 engine (more accurately, its electronics) can end up as a black hole you throw all your cash in.
stuart in mn wrote: In any case, the V12 engine (more accurately, its electronics) can end up as a black hole you throw all your cash in.
2 x Megasquirt
Seeing as how most of them have LOTS of miles, I imagine there would be another 5-8K in suspension retooling, bushings, etc etc that would have to be replaced to make this an enjoyable ride.
BTW, some of these can be had in the 8-10K range with the V12
A recent buyers guide in a German classic car magazine started along the lines of "how would you feel if you drove a car that would make the dealer wear a garland of garlic and chase you around his lot waving a stake?"
The buyers guide was generally positive but pointed out that they can suffer badly from electrical gremlins and you pretty much have to be able to DIY the electronics as the dealers won't really touch them. Plus they've got complicated suspension and all that so listen out for clonks that shouldn't be there.
My uncle had one when new. That is probably one of the few cars I've seen that had more problem areas than the FD all which were high cost problem areas...
One of my all time favorite big coupes, even though I am not a huge bimmer fan! I have always been scared to buy one though!
the V12 is really two I6s siamiesed to a single crank, it's fuel injection system is actually two seperate I6 injection systems mated in an unholy Union.
the biggest problem withe 850 (or any 8 series) is electrical. As it was BMW's flagship, they stuffed it full of every black box they could find a nook or cranny to fill
You can MS a Jag V12 so I would assume its possible with the BMW. I guess the next important question is: Does the 5 series 6 speed manual bolt up to the V12?
In reply to amg_rx7:
Problems with the FD are all about understanging your motor. Most problems encountered with the FD are due to user issues, assuming of course you have done the appropriate reliability mods.
hmmmm Research project time. I will own one ... just a matter of time.
I researched those a few years ago and was pleasantly surprised how good the internet support was. Smart people sharing lots of good technical info online. It would definitely make me a little less worried about owning one.
Classic Car Club (on HD Theater) had a segment on them where it sang the praises of the 8-series.
Styling sure still holds up. That car still looks fresh today.
Just like any German luxo product, buy-in is cheap, keeping it is not. I'd think that parts would still be plentiful.
Hell, it was good enough for Prince to pimp in front of:
(language warning)
MrJoshua wrote: You can MS a Jag V12 so I would assume its possible with the BMW. I guess the next important question is: Does the 5 series 6 speed manual bolt up to the V12?
I believe the transmission for a BMW V12 has a unique bolt pattern so the 5 series transmission won't bolt up. As far as the electronics go, as mentioned earlier there's a separate computer for each bank of the engine plus a third computer that talks to the first two. There's a whole bunch of other computers in the car to run other things.
You could get these cars with manual transmissions if you were in Europe. Makes me want to think a swap is possible, although I'm sure parts availability is much better if you start with an 840. Everything I ever heard about these says "Get the V8 and not the V12" in big letters, kind of like everything else BMW sold.
Manuals are rare but exist in the US also - I've seen one or two pop up on craigslist from time to time. Sexy cars but I've already got one electronics nightmare BMW in the stable, at least the one I have is still under warranty...
mad_machine wrote: the 840 is a much better car as far as reliability is concerened
Not really the blocks had a tendency to well blow up.
My 91 850i went ~160K miles when I sold it. I put maybe 30K on it myself. Just a drop dead amazing car to drive. Not terrible to maintain but really expensive on weird stuff like trim. The DK motors will go at some point its about 2K to have them rebuilt. The intake has these funny spacers made of rubber. If you have to replace them use the factory ones not the Dinan ones which are crap. It eats tires, has two gigantic batteries that it kills with good frequency. The seat motors always go bad but there is a junkyard fix or two.
They are built like tanks, so if you have a rattle that you want to kill chances are you are going to need day to pull it apart and a day to put it back together correctly. Suspension is not terrible in terms of parts there are a lot of shared bits.
If the batteries die expect to have trouble, NEVER let them get low. The car will have all sorts of weird electrical issues if you due. I have no idea why.
Also never ever ever loose the radio code or you will hate life.
gamby wrote: Good Lord, that makes it sound like dating a bi-polar woman...![]()
One of the better ways of describing these cars.
gamby wrote: Good Lord, that makes it sound like dating a bi-polar woman...![]()
My g/f wants an 8 series in the worst way... what does this say?
I noticed yesterday one of the local lots has an 8 series (don't know which engine)... it's even a dark color (black, most likely), which she likes.
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