I have a '96 Miata with factory air. I'm away from the car right now and I was wondering what year they made the transition from R12 to R134a.
Two of the projects on my to-do list this Spring are:
1) Update the A/C components on the Porsche so that it actually blows cold air.
2) Remove the Miata A/C system to lighten up the car for track use.
Then I got to thinking....
ah.. just noticed you were away from the car... I was going to mention that it should say. I know my 96 BMW uses 134
Pretty sure R12 was gone by '96, but '94's had it.
Can you even buy R12 anymore?
Javelin wrote:
Can you even buy R12 anymore?
You can, but I don't want to.
Yup, I use R12 in my 1990 Miata. It's not cheap, but holy cow it's cold.
I'm pretty sure a 1996 is R134a.
2/14/11 3:46 p.m.
I think 1995 was the switch over year and the first year for r134 in all cars sold in the US
2/14/11 4:09 p.m.
I gave my last pound of R12 to my buddy for his Miata. Apparently on the older models the R-134 doesn't work nearly as well due to the tiny system capacity.
Odd, my '93 Protege runs 134, and either came that way, or the prior owner changed it over--which I find hard to believe, based on the level of care it got.