The door locks on the right side of my volvo no longer unlock electronically, I have to do it by hand from the inside. The back door broke first, then the front a while later. I was unlocking the door electronically and my friend tried to open it at the same time. Now it's broken.
Is this easy to fix? Blown of air lines or something?
8/31/10 4:42 p.m.
This is not the full answer but it is step 1.
It's a V70, thanks tho. Hope they have an answer over there.
8/31/10 5:23 p.m.
It's pretty easy to get the lock assembly out of there. Getting the new one in takes a bit more finessing, but it's not hard. Just requires a remarkable amount of semi-precise fiddling.
Best to just replace the entire lock assembly. Trying to take it apart and fix the electrical switch is not fun, and rarely successful.