So, the company car blew it's engine yesterday while a coworker was driving it.
when I say blew....there is a piece of the block sitting on his desk right beside me.
I highly doubt the company will repair it. Is this worthwhile pursuing? How hard is it to replace the engine on these little subbies?
If, you've never done one, you can get it out and in in a day. Once you're used to them 1-2 hours for getting it out. Another 2 to get in in.
What can I expect for a used 2.5? heck, what fits in this thing? I've heard they're like legos
$400 for running junk yard motor.
While its out do Head gaskets (there famous for leaking but i didn't bother...)water pump, cam seals, crank seal (make sure to get factory upgraded seal!) and Timming belts, plugs and wires.
In and out same day with my wifes help we needed to do a clutch at the same time @ 180,000 it's now got 214,000. Are motor was / is fine but everyone said do the gaskets. I desided to leave it be as that was another $1000 buy the time you did gaskets and bolts and valve job cause if i'm in that deep i'm doing a valve job..
11/2/11 12:53 p.m.
Yup, they are legos. Make sure you get the DOHC 2.5. And change the timing belt before it goes in.
The head studs can stretch on certain non-turbo subie motors (I believe it's most of the 90s 2.5 liter engines), so if you do the head gasket, replace the studs at the same time or the problem will manifest itself even faster next time.
there's an independent subie shop in my town that has a guy doing nothing but 2.5L head gaskets and studs almost full time.
whew.....the company already sold it...My wife won't be mad at me tonight...:)
$250 to the garage where it was towed to :(
Yow, that's cheap. Look for it on CL in the coming weeks with a fresh mill and a $2500 pricetag.