After fruitlessly trying to pull a mirror for my C1500 and managing to lose a socket at the same time, I decided to look around for just the mirror glass, brand new. Lordco was charging $118. The Canadian Tire rep said around $58. Amazon had it for $32 shipped. Rock Auto? $20, shipped, taxes in. Sorry brick and mortar, cyberspace wins today.
But wouldn't it be cool if CT gave out Sandy McTire fridge magnets? (American readers will not know what I'm talking about. Their loss!)
try a local glass shop? the place here has the normal pickup ones in stock, they replaced the one on my dually for $7
In reply to patgizz:
Damn I'll have to try that next time, past two times dad or I have broken a glass we've gone to autopartszone and bought the plastic cut your own "mirror" kit that's like $20 and wavy as E36 M3 cause it's plastic. Will DEFINITELY try the glass place next time, even if they don't have it in stock I imagine they could cut you a piece of mirror to fit right