9/13/16 4:03 p.m.

Hot Dog Johnnys on rt 46, about 15 miles from the Delaware Water Gap.
Wit' is how you order, as in "I'll have 4 wit'." Wit gets you a dog fried in peanut oil, dressed with onions, mustard, and a wedge of dill pickle.
It's an institution.
Once, when I sold cars, I worked a dealer trade with a dealer in Clinton NJ. He was worried about the miles the car I was swapping with him would have and I calmed his fears by telling him I was only an hour from Hot Dog Johnnys!
etifosi wrote:
Hot Dog Johnnys on rt 46, about 15 miles from the Delaware Water Gap.
Wit' is how you order, as in "I'll have 4 wit'." Wit gets you a dog fried in peanut oil, dressed with onions, mustard, and a wedge of dill pickle.
It's an institution.
Once, when I sold cars, I worked a dealer trade with a dealer in Clinton NJ. He was worried about the miles the car I was swapping with him would have and I calmed his fears by telling him I was only an hour from Hot Dog Johnnys!
Another NJ roadside eats.... The After - charbroil route 206 in Flanders NJ

I typically try to find nice hole in the wall places to eat, but after two years of living in CA and NJ, I miss the Waffle. Having a fine dinner at one now on a trip back home.
etifosi wrote:
Hot Dog Johnnys on rt 46, about 15 miles from the Delaware Water Gap.
Wit' is how you order, as in "I'll have 4 wit'." Wit gets you a dog fried in peanut oil, dressed with onions, mustard, and a wedge of dill pickle.
It's an institution.
Once, when I sold cars, I worked a dealer trade with a dealer in Clinton NJ. He was worried about the miles the car I was swapping with him would have and I calmed his fears by telling him I was only an hour from Hot Dog Johnnys!
Speaking of hotdogs and NJ, is Russ Ayres still selling hotdogs in Trenton NJ?
My friends back home swear by Hillbilly Hot Dogs near Huntington, WV. Haven't managed to combine a trip back with a meal there, but this is from people I trust:

There's a bus. So it must be good.
I tend to like hole-in-the-wall cafeterias ("meat and three" restaurants if you're from the South) that haven't changed in 40 years or more; a good one is Niki's West Steak and Seafood in Birmingham. It's all about the steam table veggies and the fried chicken:

Pretty sure my home gardening MIL would NOT consider these vegetables, but WTH.
Also love super-local dives, like Nick Tahou Hots in Rochester, NY. I just like their chili sauce, but they're famous for their garbage plate:

Delicious vomity plate of love.
Caution: These are all later-in-the-trip recommendations, good for when you've abandoned all resolve and fatigue has hammered your taste buds into blunt instruments of destruction. In other words, the best part.
Lansing, Michigan.
Golden Harvest
Cash only
Very little seating
Long wait for a table (1hr plus)
Loud music
Best breakfast I've EVER had.
Detroit, MI
Scotty Simpson's Fish & Chips
terrible neighborhood but safe enough
fantastic fish and chips
Dutch Girl Donuts
I think cash only
Best cake donuts in Michigan for sure
Meridian, MS
Seafood Express
Great Po'Boys
Located in a gas station
Try the Oyster/shrimp