Steve Reader
10/23/23 6:45 p.m.

Some of you folks may have noticed my recent posts about the hunt for an E39 540 6 speed, and my deliberation between two examples. A week or so ago, I pulled the trigger on the Toledo Blue example, and I wanted to share a story about it. 

Friday evening, I made the seller an offer, lower than I would have expected him to take, but he accepted. I'm in Bellingham, WA, and the car is/was in Vancouver, WA. It's a few hours by car. I talked through it with my significant other, and all green lights, the one add on? I'd have to take one of the kids. 

Now, one kid is 6 weeks old, another is 4 years old, and as a lot of 4 year old boys, loves trains. He and I have made the Bham to VAN run by Amtrak once before, and if he could ride the train all day, every day, he could. His grandparents (my in laws), live there. 

I thought there couldn't possibly be a way that I could get there by train that weekend, but checking the Amtrak site, there was room available, and all of a sudden, I was committing my 4 year old son and I to a train and drive with no backup between Vancouver and Bellingham. A stack of maintenance records and a very responsive and helpful seller had me confident, but still, E36 M3 happens. Worst case scenario, the car is a total dud, and we get picked up by the grandparents, and try to find a way home on Sunday.

A quick late night pack up of some essentials, and we're on the train at 8.30AM Saturday. My kid is beyond excited. 

After a long, and eventful train ride (someone decided to stop on the tracks and we tore the back end of a car off). We met the seller at the Vancouver train station. One year from retirement, with grown kids of his own, as straightforward and honest as I imagined he would be. The first time I drove the car, I had to put my kid's car seat in the back. I was running on fumes from the train ride, so it was a quick 15-20 min test drive, money exchanged hands, and we hoofed it to the in laws, in the dark, to get some rest. 

At a familiar home base, I took some time to do a quick check over, oil, coolant, etc. I was in very unfamiliar territory as usually I pick a car apart to death before walking away with it. This one, I just sort of had hope in the other human that they were being truthful. 

My kid was up at 5 or so, I had some caffeine, a snack, got him breakfast, said goodbye to the inlaws, and we were on the road home. 

Recovered from the travel day, and running at sustained highway speeds, a few things immediately became apparent:

  1. This car tracks dead straight, with no wobbles, noises, or any other oddities
  2. The E39 is just what they say it is, quiet, comfortable, planted
  3. The V8, on the highway, is like using cheat codes, changing speeds is so effortlessly simple, and it's barely even working

No antics on the ride home, not only to get us both home safe, but again, it's an unknown entity. Something could still go sideways. 

But it didn't. We were home around 10AM, and neither of us were worse for wear. The car was incredible, and I've been driving it daily since. 

Sure, there are a few things it needs, I'll slowly pick away at it, but nothing that is impacting it's ability to get me where I need it to go. 

I'm sure it will frustrate me at some point, but right now, my only regret is waiting so long to buy one of these. The way you can so easily roll into the power to get on the highway, and the simple, direct nature of the inputs coupled with the stable, robust feel of the chassis and drivetrain combination is very addicting. It isn't a car that is screaming to be driven at 10/10's, its a well behaved, classy looking near vintage German sedan that is a nice place to spend a bunch of time in if you're needing to. 

And my kid, he requests it when we go leave for school. It used to be the 100 series, but now he points to the E39, puts some words together about how we went on the train to go get it, and how he got to see his grandpa, and walks over to open the door. He has a speech development delay, so it's sometimes a bit difficult to understand if he remembers things that happen as he doesn't always have the words to express himself. 

He remembers this, and I always wished that my Dad would have done something like this with me. I had a wonderful adventure with my Son, and I got a car out of it, not a bad deal at all. Anyways, go and do E36 M3 with your kids if you have them. Whatever your thing is, show them you want them involved. Let them find their own things, and make sure they know you want to be involved with that too. 

Here are some photos from the trip. 


Us leaving the train station after the short test drive


Parked at the inlaws overnight


Heading home


Upon arrival, not bad for highway MPG, even if it's likely a bit off. And everyone was right, these cars aren't that big!

boulder_dweeb Reader
10/23/23 6:55 p.m.

Looks like a great purchase!

And a train trip with your kid is the icing on the cake!


jimbob_racing SuperDork
10/23/23 7:16 p.m.

Great job, dad! 

This memory will last a lifetime.

XLR99 (Forum Supporter)
XLR99 (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/23/23 7:20 p.m.

Excellent trip, and great memories for both of you! 

I did something sorta similar with my daughter, but she was 15 at the time, and the trains were Boston subways...still a memorable and fun trip though.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
10/23/23 7:20 p.m.

Rock on. 

John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
10/23/23 7:26 p.m.

In reply to Steve :

My favorite part of the story is that the car is something (for him) to talk about!  Congrats.  

Keep him talking.  Maybe that means there needs to be more adventures in "his" new car.  

759NRNG PowerDork
10/23/23 9:15 p.m.


What a truly awesome shot ...tractors yeah !!! and a beautiful young 'gearhedd' in the rock Pop!!!!


Datsun240ZGuy MegaDork
10/23/23 9:17 p.m.

Great story!

My dad would take my nephew on one of the commuter lines down to Chicago's Union Station (45 minute ride?).   They'd eat happy meals @ McDonald's then ride back home.  

The kid loved trains and after he got out of college he took a job with a Class II railroad as a conductor planning on becoming an engineer some day. 

So I guess you never know?


RacerBoy75 Reader
10/23/23 9:45 p.m.

Great story! Funny, I noticed a silver 540i in really nice shape in my neighborhood this evening. I don't know if it's visiting, or a new resident.

I'm not a BMW fanboi, but I do like E39s a lot. I think they would be a fantastic trip car.

spitfirebill MegaDork
10/23/23 9:53 p.m.

Nice car.  Cute kid.  A winner of a trip.  Three thumbs up!

buzzboy UltraDork
10/23/23 10:28 p.m.

Beautiful story Steve, I love it. Little dude's gonna love it too!

Does your E39 still have functioning cup holders? That's a unicorn's fart if so.

Tom1200 PowerDork
10/23/23 10:52 p.m.

When my son was 2-4 years old I used to race the Saturday regional of our double regional weekends. On Sunday I would push my son around in the stroller and hang out with racer friends.

He is 29 now and still makes comments about it now and again.

What a great day for you and your son.

AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter)
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/23/23 10:55 p.m.


dyintorace GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
10/24/23 6:55 a.m.

I love everything about this story! :)

camopaint0707 Reader
10/24/23 7:20 a.m.

shes adorable, I hope my daughter is into this stuff when shes older

Byrneon27 HalfDork
10/24/23 9:46 a.m.
buzzboy said:

Beautiful story Steve, I love it. Little dude's gonna love it too!

Does your E39 still have functioning cup holders? That's a unicorn's fart if so.

No E39 has functioning OE cup holders. Literally the only real problem with the car. 


Quality old BMW trip, quality fathering. A++ all around 

dyintorace GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
10/24/23 11:32 a.m.

I had one of these aftermarket cup holders in my e39 M5. Worked great. 

hobiercr GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
10/24/23 1:44 p.m.

Beautiful car and even more beautiful memories. When I was a kid I used to go to summer camp near Branson, MO. One summer my Dad picked me up from camp in the family's '77 Celica GT and we road tripped back to FL. I was too young to drive so we just hunted for radio stations and talked. Our family did a lot of road trips (summer vacations, college trips, etc.) and I believe that one-on-one time, pre-screen world, really helped cement the bonds that we have with each other.

In 2005 when I bought my F350 in Houston, off eBay, I called him and asked if he was up for another road trip. He was all in. We took an early flight out of Tampa, met the seller in HOU, signed over the title, checked the fluids/tires, and headed back East. 17 hours later we were home. Out and back in under 24 and a memory we shared for the rest of his life, and one that I carry close to my heart. Damn, where did all that dust come from.


roninsoldier83 GRM+ Memberand Reader
10/24/23 2:29 p.m.

Solid work, brother! Sounds like a fun trip with your kiddo! 

When he was younger, I used to take my son to autoX events in my old Miata's: 


It didn't matter how old he got (he's now 15), what we were driving or what the conditions were, he would always pass out on the way home in the car. Even with the top down on the freeway: 


He's now 6'3" and barely fits in a Miata anymore lol. 

paul_s0 Reader
10/24/23 3:49 p.m.

Awesome, a good trip all round smiley

Robbie (Forum Supporter)
Robbie (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/27/23 8:51 a.m.

Well, I'm going to glom into this thread since I am today taking a Amtrak to go retrieve a new to me BMW...

East bound and down?

Stampie GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/27/23 8:56 a.m.

Sounds like a great trip and that you've already made him a car guy. Train guy also as an added bonus. 

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