So, in preparation for the 2012 challenge Mx6 mafia showing, I've been reading through the rules, and would like to clear something up. Specifically about the budget.....
Parts that are not used may be traded or sold up to the initial cost of the car or parts deal. In other words, if you buy a $500 Challenge car, you can recoup up to $500 of your budget by selling parts. (If you do turn a profit by selling parts from your car, we suggest that you take your significant other out to dinner to compensate them for having a $2011 car hanging around the house.) Once the recuperation limit has been reached on a car or parts deals, trading is not allowed.
The way I read this out is, I can buy my Challenge car for say 400$ (and that's actually what it cost) and sell down to 0. Since it's 2012, I have a max selldown all in of 1006$.That means according to my math so far, I have 606$ left of my selldown budget. Pretty simple. But here's the argument 92Celicahalftrac and I were having, and it's in regards to "parts" car selldowns and the like.
Example- Say I buy a 600$ parts car.... a wrecked Probe GT if you will. I manage to sell down that entire parts car to 0, but still have parts left I like to use. Do I need to FMV the remaining parts towards my budget? Or am I allowed to consider those parts as more or less "free" (after the selldown of course) and not count them additionally towards my budget? IE, I sell down to 0. I've blown 600$ of the total 1006$ i'm allowed to sell back, but it's not going to cost me an extra 200$ or whtever a head on an f2t is FMV'ed at against my budget? So techically speaking, out of the 2012$ I'm allowed to spend total, i've spent 400$, or the purchase price of said challenge car (assuming I haven't sold anything off my challenge car itself, only off of the parts car) but only have another 406$ to be able to sell total before I can no longer sell/trade? Or am I shy 200$ because I have to FMV the head, which leaves me with 1412$ left in budget (400$ car+200$ FMV head) and 406$ left to be able to sell (600$ from parting said parts car).
Next question-
Let's say I buy a Greddy turbo timer for 75$. Some guy is interested in it, and is willing to trade me a full HKS FCON for it. (unlikely, but you never know), that HKS should theoretically cost me 75$ off my budget, since I only paid 75$ for the part I traded to him? Or am I going to have to FMV the remainder of said HKS (let's say it's 200$) and count 125$ towards my budget?
Pardon if it seems confusing, I've been up with a newborn for a looong time at this point.... we were just arguing semantics in the rules and decided we needed a thread.