dculberson wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
I was thinking this
Especially since it's pretty much the exact same car.
I was actually going to suggest this when I saw the 356 Spider but before seeing your post. I think one of these would scratch every itch the 356 gives her. They're beautiful in person and in photos. They're not cheap at this point but they're so much more affordable than a 356 it's funny. Don't tell her it's a VW until after she says she likes it.
Neat little cars (I almost bought a coupe) and women think they are super cute, but even more primitive than the same vintage MGB particularly the brakes and ergos. Not to mention slow as molasses in February.
Yeah I'm biased but Jensen Healeys in nice condition can be had for around $7k and REAL nice ones for around $10k.

They are a lot faster than pretty much anything else 4 banger of its time, will leave a TR6 in the dust and will give a 260Z fits. They have better interiors and are more comfortable than pretty much anything else in its price range of the era.
Does Missis Tuna want a 1st Gen Miata? After all GRM = Miata is the answer.... right?
Originality = important... I like the Karman Ghia as well
problem with a LOT of the other cars that old... they may need a full rewiring to operate well... the VW is easy enough
1/22/14 5:26 p.m.
I have seen a few of these pop up for sale in the past. The originality factor may be a problem but it was a fairly popular conversion back in the day, so at least it is period correct.

And a corvair is always a cool option...

I have been following your build thread pretty closely. Hence I have noticed a certain occurrence of your matrimonial situation whereupon you repeatedly end up as Tuna Salad.
There is only one marque of car that will suit a wife unit with such tempestuous proclivities...

1/22/14 5:28 p.m.
How had no one mentioned a 914 yet...

Assuming she may need to move the Tuna-kids, the Corvair was my thought too.
Be sure to check years though. I am not sure that all years of Corvairs have rear seat belts (if the Tuna-kids need car seats.)
1/22/14 8:24 p.m.
Nohome, you have a command of the language not often seen on ze vast interwebs. She is a great gal, and I may overstate the hairiness of her trigger. I tend to be quite calm, so things compare poorly sometimes.
Now what car was that? I feel embarrassed for not being sure. Alfa Romeo elude me too often. Price?
124, 914, jag, ghia, jh, corsair, all good ideas.
Careful, curmudgeon, handling, acceleration, competitiveness, these things matter not to the tunawife.
The miata, despite being objectively better at everything, is not in the running.
1/22/14 8:28 p.m.
NOHOME wrote:
I have been following your build thread pretty closely.
Thanks. Seriously. Your build is inspirational, and you're not screaming "STOP YOU FOOL", so I must be doing OK.
corvair could hold tunawife and all four tunakids, and you could stay home to work on the truck!
Ian F
1/22/14 8:36 p.m.
In reply to pimpm3:
While I like the 914, I don't meet many women who don't consider them one of the ugliest things on 4 wheels... still... maybe tunawife is one of the odd ones... she married a tuna, no? 
So gather up pictures of the examples and show them to her. We're all anxious to see what she picks (or maybe we're just bored). 
Not classics, but have a lot of the same appeal without many of the issues- Boxter or XK8?
1/22/14 8:46 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
I was thinking this
Especially since it's pretty much the exact same car.
Reading up to this point I was thinking the exact same thing. Might be hard pressed to find one without some rust to deal with but patch panels are plentiful and cheap. Everything on these is simple to work on and parts are affordable.
I second the earlier suggestion of a Spitfire. GRM bonus, many come with a dash plaque listing several years of SCCA Championships.
Fun to drive, and ridiculously easy to work on.
1/22/14 10:50 p.m.
turboswede wrote:
Alfa Romeo Spider.
"Boat tail" to be specific. This then turned into the "Graduate"