I'm looking for someone to evacuate my system so I can fix some parts. Can't seem to find anyone willing to purge and refill unless they also get paid to buy and install the parts. Anyone know of a shop in Atlanta that might understand the choice is either do it myself or roll the windows down?
Buy a pump and do it yourself. I just finished a compressor, receiver/dryer and orifice tube on one of my work trucks. Total cost was about $250 rather than the $1100 the shops wanted to do it.
Do you want to have it evacuated or recovered? Recovery is what you do to take the refrigerant out, and you need a recovery machine to do that legally. Evacuation isn't done until after you do the repairs, and is done with a vacuum pump to pull the system down into a deep vacuum to take air/water/contaminants out of the system.
Call a Community College that has an Auto program. I have had a couple of cars worked on by the students and you are only out the parts cost, the refrierant is part of the students lab fees.