It appears that some varmint chewed through the boost control line on my MSM.

I discovered this yesterday while accelerating onto the Interstate at full throttle. From the gauge, it was near 16 PSI when the boost cut kicked in. It was really fun for about 1.5 seconds.
JoeTR6 said:
It appears that some varmint chewed through the boost control line on my MSM.

I discovered this yesterday while accelerating onto the Interstate at full throttle. From the gauge, it was near 16 PSI when the boost cut kicked in. It was really fun for about 1.5 seconds.
Sounds like TurboMouse was trying to help and show you the light!
I can tell you from experience that a stock MSM turbo will happly peg a Flyin' Miata boost gauge in less time than it takes to fill one's shorts with fear of collecting engine parts off of the highway.
Which resulted in an emergency phone call at 11pm on I-71 North. "Hey, EvanB, what do you have the boost set to?" "I think I had it at 13 pounds." Uh, Columbus we have a problem, the boost gauge goes to 20 and it smacked the pin like it owned it money.
That night, Knurled learned that fish valve boost controllers can stick shut. And Evan never ever knew about the boost shenanigans.
Also don't tell him.
In reply to Knurled. :
Once the stock turbo spools up, it does appear capable of generating some boost. But oh, that lag. EBC helps get the party started a little sooner, but I need a new turbo.
And I'm not telling.
Mouse tape could help in the future, or it could cause the cute little mouse to chew on something more expensive. And without a link, this reply is useless.
mouse tape
First time I drove our racecar after an engine swap we hadn't gotten the wastegate set up correctly. Pull onto the road, mash the throttle, "holly hell this is fast!", and immediately pegged the 20psi boost gauge. Scary feeling but that brief taste of overboost is really nice!
I installed the turbo in my Miata with the wastegate actuator nipple pointing straight up. When I closed the hood, it ripped the signal hose clean in half and I had the same experience you did. Engine doesn’t seem any worse for the wear. I guess it helps that the torn hose is a big boost leak, so it’s a bit self limiting.