I am going to look at an 85 325E that has been swapped with a 350 Chevy. It has the stock rear end in it.
Can I expect the rear end and axles to hold up to the additional torque of the V8?
Any other things I should look at before I hand over my cash?
From what I hear, the rear end and axles are fine.
Make sure all of the wiring is okay/ has been done correctly.
The seller said that the speedo and tach don't work so I would have to look into that.
He also said that it bogs a little at full trottle from a stop, he stated it was probably because the carb was too big for the engine (750cfm Holley). I would wonder if it has to do with the stock fuel system, I haven't asked if it has been changed at all.
EvanB wrote:
The seller said that the speedo and tach don't work so I would have to look into that.
He also said that it bogs a little at full trottle from a stop, he stated it was probably because the carb was too big for the engine (750cfm Holley). I would wonder if it has to do with the stock fuel system, I haven't asked if it has been changed at all.
Pump shooter/squirters are too big. 750 carb on a 350 isn't too big. it is just most redneck hacks can't tune a carb. They expect it to work straight out of the box.
Ranger50 wrote:
EvanB wrote:
The seller said that the speedo and tach don't work so I would have to look into that.
He also said that it bogs a little at full trottle from a stop, he stated it was probably because the carb was too big for the engine (750cfm Holley). I would wonder if it has to do with the stock fuel system, I haven't asked if it has been changed at all.
Pump shooter/squirters are too big. 750 carb on a 350 isn't too big. it is just most redneck hacks can't tune a carb. They expect it to work straight out of the box.
or depending on which 750 it is, it may have a bad accelerator pump (I think that is what it's called)
Speedo probably doesn't work because the swapper never connected it. Probably same for the tach which needs to be re-calibrated for the 350 rather than the 2.5(?) it came with.
10/26/10 6:58 p.m.
EvanB wrote:
The seller said that the speedo and tach don't work so I would have to look into that.
He also said that it bogs a little at full trottle from a stop, he stated it was probably because the carb was too big for the engine (750cfm Holley). I would wonder if it has to do with the stock fuel system, I haven't asked if it has been changed at all.
there are many varieties of "750cfm Holley", and a bunch of ways that an engine "will bog a little from a stop". For that matter there are plenty of 350 cid engines that would never put 750cfm to use, as well as many that would as stated previously if tuned right. Give it the once over twice, find out what it is, do a bunch of research, poke around.
10/26/10 6:59 p.m.
In reply to Shaun:
Yeah, a 350 lifted from a pre-Vortec truck would have a really hard time dealing with a 750.
The redneck could be strong with this swap, approach carefully. Sounds like a fun car but treat as a project that needs to be put right.
pres589 wrote:
The redneck could be strong with this swap, approach carefully. Sounds like a fun car but treat as a project that needs to be put right.
That's what I'm thinking. I'll give it a good once-over before I buy but the price is enough to make me buy it just to have fun for a while as is and dump it later. Potential challenger next year if I get it.
10/26/10 7:13 p.m.
What trans is in this thing and how many doors?
New Reader
10/26/10 7:16 p.m.
Is this the one I saw on C-List with the TH350 trans?
2 doors, TH350 with ratchet shifter. If I got it a t56 would be in the works (that does bolt to a traditional SBC right?).
Yes, it is the one on CL, the olive drab one with a hole cut in the hood (that would be the first thing to go if I get it tomorrow).
this one?
That's the one. I have a feeling I will come home with it tomorrow if I go over and hand him $1200 in cash.
"750cfm holley carb secondaries operate manually and at about 3/4 throttle"
If I'm translating that correctly it's probably a 750 double pumper. No mention of cam in that ad so it's probably a stock mild 350. Either add more cam or smaller carb and it will be good.
New Reader
10/26/10 7:32 p.m.
I think we must look in the same places for similar cars my friend.
I saw the car and balked as soon as I saw it was an auto. Look forward to hearing what you think about it.
dsycks wrote:
I think we must look in the same places for similar cars my friend.
I saw the car and balked as soon as I saw it was an auto. Look forward to hearing what you think about it.
I've been looking all over Ohio for every kind of car imaginable for the past month. 
I would prefer it not be an auto as well but it could still be fun.
10/26/10 7:39 p.m.
EvanB wrote:
2 doors, TH350 with ratchet shifter. If I got it a t56 would be in the works (that does bolt to a traditional SBC right?).
Yes, it is the one on CL, the olive drab one with a hole cut in the hood (that would be the first thing to go if I get it tomorrow).
FWIW back in the day I owned a 1976 Chevy Vega with mild good running fresh SBC in front of a ratcheting shifter TH350. It was a stupidly fast car. What you are looking at would be stupidly fast AND turn and stop too. Or at least could with the right bits. looks like fun from here.
10/26/10 8:50 p.m.
If it does indeed have mechanical secondaries, you'll have a tough time tuning that out. I went through the same thing. The car went bogging and farting and spinning its way to a mid 14. Swap a vacuum secondary carb and it went high 12s. It's a tough thing to ask of a mild engine to suddenly swallow all of that gas.
ive seen small e30 diffs work fine with m3 engine torque on track cars, and stock cars break big e30 diffs wheelhopping.
as long as you arent hole shotting it or using drag slicks often youll probably be ok.
sounds like a cool start to something cooler.
EvanB wrote:
2 doors, TH350 with ratchet shifter. If I got it a t56 would be in the works (that does bolt to a traditional SBC right?).
Yes, it is the one on CL, the olive drab one with a hole cut in the hood (that would be the first thing to go if I get it tomorrow).
If you use the bell housing from an LT1 car it will bolt to the traditional SBC.
Well I took a look at it, the redneck was very evident.
Hacked wiring, the "slight bogging at full throttle" actually meant it barely ran at all. It died as I was pulling back in to the driveway. Various other hacks. Needless to say I am still looking for a car.
Did you try an offer of $500 & a case of Bud?
Nah, I didn't want to overpay 
Did I mention that his technique of splicing wires included stripping the insulation and twisting the wires together?
New Reader
10/27/10 7:22 p.m.
Hey! Don't knock my wiring technique! Did he at least use wire nuts?
Looks like you and I will still be surfing the same ad's! Should we team up and hunt as a pack?
Would that make us a two man wolf pack? Ponders.