I would like do do something RWD. Like a 318is with a SR20. Anyone here done that? Rescued a 318is from a guy's yard a few years ago. Hadn't ran in 2 years due to no fuel pressure. Drove 500 miles with a new fuel pump. Got there, tapped on the pump while my son ran the key (while jumping it & after checking fluids). Got it buzzing, put 5 gallons of gas in & it started. It idled there shaking & smoking so bad we thought it had major problems. After 30 minutes it was really smooth & all the gauges worked & temperature was good. Talked him down to $800 since the tank was rusty at the seam & leaked & off we went back home. At the first gas stop we forgot about the leak & filled it up. We both said uh oh & at least it leaked on the opposite side of the tank the exhaust was on. Made it home without any issues & after a couple weeks of work & a new tank, bushings, tuneup, wheels, tires, oil change, coolant flush, progressive springs & shocks & struts my son had his college car. He still talks about the 318is & that's why we want another. Just a bit faster.