Here is even more video of my '80 Fairmont sedan lapping Summit Point's Shenandoah Circuit. The difference? It has brakes now. I know my line still sucks, but I hope you find it somewhat enjoyable anyway.
I also got to meet Hal. He's pretty cool.
Last but not least, thanks to the awesome people at WDCR-SCCA's PDX program for putting on such friendly events.
7/22/14 9:12 p.m.
Nice meeting you also. And for those who say "Pics or it didn't happen":

and just to give you an evil plan
The 347's built of all ultra-light stuff, so no forced-induction for this guy. That's okay, though. I think you get the gist of it. For more of the specs, check out my garage.
I'll be damned. That thing looks pretty awesome on the track, and I love the occasional twitches of the tach as well as the custom wiper mounted gauge. Is that AFR?
The car looks like it corners fairly flat from the in-car footage. Nice work!
The tach has an internal loose wire (but the ignition has a rev limiter), and the temporary gauge is indeed an AFR. It could use some more anti-roll bar on both ends.