I just saw on the local SCCA site that they've started rallycross this past year. I've been away from autocrossing for several years and was thinking about doing some events, and now I see this.
...And so I'm trolling CL for beater RWD cars.
I was really trying to make next year the year I focus on fixing the house and paying down some debt. That may be in danger now....
xr4ti is even JVL approved
LOL. IF I were to jump on something (BIG if) I would have to get something in running shape. With a little more budget and time though, that is a damn fine car for a damn fine price....for someone else....
I've done my research: Southcreek Mudbog Park, Milledgeville, Ga. is 112 miles from my Atlanta house. Yes! That distance is worthy of scanning Craigslist for a Rallycross vehicle.
I drive about 140 miles each way for rallycross. Totally worth every mile.
The venue for the last one was Paradise Offroad Park, which is on Sgoda Rd off I-16 in Macon. It's about 45 miles one way from me.
I like knowing about other regions of the US that have a popular rallyX just incase I should move, I would need to be near rallyX.
fidelity101 wrote:
I like knowing about other regions of the US that have a popular rallyX just incase I should move, I would need to be near rallyX.
It's not very popular here. Given it just started, but there were only like 6 cars at the last event.
Not that I'm complaining - more seat time! 
For comparison, we have something like 100-200 cars turn out for every SCCA autox, IIRC.
don't you have ice racing though? My problem is that i want to live somewhere that ice racing is an option, but don't want to live anywhere with severe winters (I know that makes ice racing not an option for me)
We have drivers from GA at our Huntsville, AL (TVRSSCA) Rallycross all the time. Good thing about our site is you can play after the event for as long as you want.
In reply to Hntsvl_E30:
I was just in huntsville for work last week, well I flew in and out of there but I was stuck in Florence.
.......Wondering if the red, $2,500, GMC Typhoon, on the car lot, is still for sale in Forest Park?
fidelity101 wrote:
I like knowing about other regions of the US that have a popular rallyX just incase I should move, I would need to be near rallyX.
We sell out pretty much every rallyx event in WDCR (most of them at Summit Point Motorsports Park). So, that's 60 cars per event.
And we have 15-20 RWD cars at each event, to boot (all PR/MR)
Very few FWD cars running in this region, oddly. 3-4 per event is typical..
Atlanta region FINALLY got rallycross off the ground? I was trying to help them get that going back when I lived there, but nobody seemed interested in actually doing anything.