Was given a new in box HF/Central Pneumatic 8-gallon air compressor, but I need to get air compressor oil for it. It recommends 30W air compressor oil, but no additional details.
Just curious, what exactly is the difference between that and motor oil? I've read some differing theories on using motor oil, etc on air compressors. I also have a small bottle of oil that is apparently for the tool end ('put 2 drops in the air output end daily') but I assume that is a different type of oil?
any quick advice?
I've never heard of air compressor oil, just vacuum pump oil.
We use synthetic 30-weight in ours and change it every year or so, seems to work just fine.
There is a "air" compressor oil made for use in air compressors. It's usually just 30W non-detergent oil. I use 30W small engine motor oil which has less detergent then regular motor oil.
You don't want the dirt suspended in the oil which a high detergent oil does, you want it to settle to the bottom of the compressor sump.
Good point. I should've specified that it was non detergent.
4/14/13 2:15 p.m.
Well depends..it normaly just non detergent oil. But if it get cold / sub zero you may conside 0w-15 mobil 1, I was blowing the Heaters in my contactor in the winter and switch to the mobil one and no problems the past three years. It daws less amps in the summer heat then it had before the switch too.
30wt ND
My Campbell Hausfield 2 cylinder compressor recommended Mobil 1. So far, so good - I've had it for 10 years.
You can buy compressor oil at Lowes.
I ended up finding some Amsoil compressor 30W non-detergent at my local auto parts store....$13 for a quart, lol. That's how much I spent on 5 quarts for the 4Runner's oil change today