So I was at Summit tonight picking up emergency bits because nobody else stocks IR2135 parts and we currently have no tool trucks in our region. While I was there, I had a look around their clearance racks. If you have a B-series Honda and want an Edelbrock manifold, I can hook you up, they had 8-10 of them on the shelf for 50% off.
There also was a Group 34 battery on one of the racks. Picked it up to move it out of the way and !!
I thought it was an empty shell. The full size battery weighed next to nothing. If you said it was two pounds I would think you were overstating it. I double checked the thing to see if it had terminals on it (it did) and the CCA rating (750, I think).
Then i saw the price. $400, normally $999. !!!!!!!
I guess alien squeezin's ain't cheap.
That's actually not a bad price at all when comparing it to spiral cell agm. I'd strongly consider it
At SEMA I picked up a Braille battery that felt like an empty case. Nope, it was fully functional, they said.
showing this one as 12lbs..
Knurled wrote:
So I was at Summit tonight picking up emergency bits because nobody else stocks IR2135 parts and we currently have no tool trucks in our region.
PM me. If you're where I hope you are I'll get you a tool truck ASAP.
I am pretty sure it was this battery.
I could have bought it, but, well, I really don't feel like dumping $400 on a wear item that may or may not be good, with zero warranty or ability to return it for a refund.
Junkyard_Dog wrote:
Knurled wrote:
So I was at Summit tonight picking up emergency bits because nobody else stocks IR2135 parts and we currently have no tool trucks in our region.
PM me. If you're where I hope you are I'll get you a tool truck ASAP.
I can't PM, the forum software seems to work by spoofing your e-mail address and I use Yahoo for forum e-mail and Yahoo really does not like GRM's shenanigans.
about your PM problems … PM sent 
1/27/15 7:54 a.m.
I just put a 2-pound lithium battery in my Camaro. So far so good.
I'd imagine substituting the world's lightest metal in place of lead would be pretty dramatic.
have you priced lithium battery packs for cordless drills lately?
think of that battery as 8 or 10 drill battery packs and that doesn't look like too bad of a price, even before the 50% off..