R134a is less efficient as r12 so it not getting as cold is normal.
internet said:
The only mechanical differences between an R12 system and an R134a system are that R134a systems typically have larger condensers and more powerful compressors. This is because R134a doesn't cool as well and needs a larger area to dissipate heat and is charged to higher pressures.
You should only charge to ~80% of the R12 charge weight using 134a.
ill second the 409. awesome stuff. in my old 87 v6 thunderbird, i popped ahose and had to convert. my dad had some of this 409A. on a 94 degree day, with 91 degree air going into the floor return, i had 47 degree air coming out of the center vents. even in florida in the dead of summer, i usually drove with the temp control about half way, fan on low. full blast max A/C would freeze me out, and fog my glasses.
i miss that car actually...
409a is a blend containing R22, which is going out soon, so don't expect to see it available much longer. You're also gonna need to buy a $300 30lb can of it, or befriend a HVAC tech with no regard for the law.
i scooped up (4) 30lb drums with varying amounts left in them from random locations here and there. just have to know who to ask, which door is left unlocked, and where to hide the envelope with the $200 in it.
and by almost all accounts, the so-called 'law' on refrigeration is just one of many bureaucratic heaps of back-ass-wards, contradictory, hippocratic garbage, written by neanderthals with sloped foreheads and ZERO HVAC experience, elected by at large by more sloped headed neanderthals.
whew...that got windy, didn't it? ill go now, sorry.
In reply to jmthunderbirdturbo:
Not disagreeing whatsoever, just sayin.
The reason it's disappearing (and 134a, and R12, and all the others) has a lot more to do with DuPont patent expiration dates than the environment.