y'all remember my "battery incident" from a month back where a dick pulled my battery out? WEll.....
So, yesterday/this mornign I finished my "Pull-out-of-car-drop-in-engine-bay-proof" battery hold down. Consists of a normal "H" shaped battery holdown going through the bottom tray and a 1/4" plate steel that was a leftover from my corbeau seat install with 2 more holddowns going through the tray AND the plastic tray bolts all got larger washers to spread the load. Total cost: $4.13
Pull this out sucka!
And just in case they aren't completely 10000000000% satisfied I even left the carry strap up top and loose for them to pull on. :lol:
I would be forced to write with a sharpie marker on that big slab of metal something inappropriate.......
I thought about that as well.... but I'll wait for my artistic wife to get home from Phoenix and see what she can do instead.
I would trim down those threads some.. that is a skinned knuckle (or worse) waiting to happen
did that this afternoon actually... took the pics first.
I like a battery hold down you can lift the car with.
That will do the trick. Looks great!
Problem is, the guy that broke your car in the first place will see it at tech on the next event...and congratulate himself for "..forcing that guy to solve the problem.."
I have something similarly overkillish on all of my cars.
I went with the lightweight version, passed tech yesterday.